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Fastest way to check if a value exists in a list

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 15, 2024

Checking a value's presence in a list in Python using the in operator is as efficient and simple as it gets:

exists = 3 in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # returns True

Be mindful that if size and performance matter, enhancements can be made to meet these conditions.

Searching in sets: Speedy Gonzalez Mode

When speed is of essence and you will be performing numerous searches, you might want to convert your list into a set:

# Switching to warp speed with sets my_set = set(my_large_list) # Now you're searching faster than birds can tweet exists = 3 in my_set

Remember the wise words, With great set power, comes corresponding set conversion overhead.

Binary search in sorted lists: Finding Nemo in the Ocean

Ever tried locating a single fish in an ocean? For sorted lists, a binary search using the bisect module might just be your submarine:

import bisect # Positioning the submarine at the right depth sorted_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] index = bisect.bisect_left(sorted_list, 3) # Found Nemo! if index < len(sorted_list) and sorted_list[index] == 3: exists = True

Remember, binary search is as sharp as a shark's tooth, slicing your search time in log(n) time.

The timeit: Your Stopwatch for Performance Checks

Determine how fast you really are with timeit:

import timeit # It's race time! large_list = list(range(1000000)) search_value = 987654 # Usain Bolt or a Marathon runner? Let's see! in_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: search_value in large_list, number=1000) set_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: search_value in set(large_list), number=1000)

Time allocation and race profiles help determine the champion for your race - pick your pace.

Balancing optimization: Performance Vs. Simplicity

Finding the perfect balance between data structure creation and search time savings:

# Should I stay or should I go now? That is the question! # Large list, multiple searches -> set prevails # Small list, rare searches -> 'in' is king

Your strategy should always incorporate performance gains without injecting needless complexity.

Tackling large lists

When dealing with large datasets, linear searches are about as effective as a chocolate teapot. They offer subpar performance.

# The tortoise wins the race... but not this one! # Transform infrequently edited but highly searched list into a set my_static_large_list = set(a_large_list) # Or use binary search with sorted list sorted_large_list = sorted(a_large_list)

Always remember, practicality beats purity.

Element order preservation: The Runway Model Parade

Converting a list into a set is like organizing a model parade. It's efficient but the order of appearance is lost!

Before you go converting lists to sets, check your use-case. Do you need the models in sequential order?

Remember, The benefits of transformations and the necessity of maintaining order need to play nice!

Optimal execution with matplotlib

matplotlib is to execution times as a magnifying glass is to detective work:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Sherlock Holmes-ing the execution times plt.plot(list_sizes, in_operator_times, label='in operator') plt.plot(list_sizes, set_times, label='set conversion') plt.legend() plt.show()

These visual insights help in pin-pointing bottlenecks.