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List comprehension vs. lambda + filter

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 6, 2024

For most tasks, list comprehensions are preferable to lambda + filter. They're quicker, more concise, and often more Pythonic.

  • List comprehension:
    [x for x in my_list if x > 10] # Filter list as you like it
  • Lambda + filter:
    list(filter(lambda x: x > 10, my_list)) # Lift every 'x' and filter

Due to their built-in optimizations, list comprehensions typically outperform lambda + filter. Moreover, they're often easier to read, thereby simplifying code maintenance. Unless your logic is too complex for a comprehension, stick with list comprehensions.

When to use what?

List comprehensions are widely recommended for most scenarios, but there are cases when lambda + filter might be more suitable:

Single condition, plain sailing

For simple conditions, a list comprehension is easy to read and therefore often preferable. However, for more complex conditions, a well-named lambda may actually improve legibility.

Reusability or bust

If you're utilizing the same condition multiple times, consider using lambda: It prevents you from having to repeat the same expression.

Memory, it's precious

If you're working with ample data, a generator expression could be preferable due to its more memory-efficient behavior.

generator = (x for x in my_list if x > 10) # Generators, they've 'generated' quite a fan following!

Performance, haul it up!

Though list comprehensions are typically faster, remember that premature optimization is the root of all evil, or so they say!

Pythonic patterns under the hood

Python not only emphasizes simplicity but also ensures that you can convey your thoughts quickly. That's why list comprehensions are a preferred Pythonic idiom unless you've got a vital reason to use lambda + filter.

  • Direct transformation: List comprehensions make clear our intentions to transform a list.
  • All-in-one: List comprehensions allow us to both filter and process items in a list, saving those precious cycles for something cooler.

Performance? Check it

While list comprehensions are usually the faster option, they're not always so. Only focus on performance enhancements if:

  • Your code profiling shows that list filtering is indeed a bottleneck.
  • You're dealing with large enough data to render the efficiency gains noticeable.

Readability over performance

Clear as day

Though faster code is enticing, readable code always comes first. After all, code is read much more frequently than it is written.

Here's the action

List comprehensions don't hide their operations behind function calls; instead, each item's journey is clarified from the very start to the filtered list.

Two birds, one stone

Sometimes, you can get both readability and speed – the best of both worlds. And more often than not, list comprehensions are the way to get there.

Python's functional legacy

The map and filter functions still exist in Python in acknowledgment of their usefulness for specific situations. While list comprehensions usually work best for most use cases, filter provides a comfortable foothold for those accustomed to other functional programming languages.

Suiting the situation

List comprehensions might be the typical choice, but aren't always the best one. Here's when to consider other tools:

  • Complex filtering gets involved: Filter requires just one function, which you can swap out when the filtering demands get tricky.
  • Lazy evaluation is desirable: Generator expressions come in handy when you want list elements on the fly.