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Delete all rows in an HTML table

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Feb 4, 2025

Liberate your HTML table from its rows with this concise JavaScript snippet:

let table = document.querySelector('table'); while(table.rows.length) { table.deleteRow(0); // Off with their heads! }

The creation above selects the first <table> element on your page and performs a heartless while loop to behead each row starting from top - until no survivors remain. It's your go-to solution for a quick table sweep.

Yearning for speed: The <tbody> trick

Making a <tbody> swap could turn your sad, lethargic table clearing into a blazing fast operation. Especially, when you're dealing with voluminous tables, this bring a pretty neat boost in performance:

let table = document.getElementById('myTable'); // Hola table! let newTbody = document.createElement('tbody'); // Fresh and clean table.replaceChild(newTbody, table.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]); // Swap 'em out!

No rows were harmed in the making of this clean-up; we just moved into a new <tbody>. This keeps your table's beautiful structure in place, and is light-years faster than deleting rows one by one.

Saving your headers as Titanic

Your table might have some mighty column headers (<th>) deserving preservation, while you dispose of the data rows. Protect your headers like they're Rose from the Titanic:

let tbody = document.querySelector('table tbody'); tbody.innerHTML = ''; // Jack, I'm flying!

In this performance, the headers – usually nested in a comfy <thead> – remain hale and hearty, while the <tbody> is purged, all set for a new lease of data.

Taming the unruly: Dealing with Dynamic tables

Don't let the unceasingly dynamic nature of some tables deter you. In the world of wayward tables where new rows pop-in and vanish unannounced, roll-call (rowCount) can be a sanity-preserving ritual:

let table = document.getElementById('dynamicTable'); // We meet again, wild one! for(let i = table.rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { table.deleteRow(i); // One slow backwards march to oblivion... }

Take that, dynamic changes! Backward marching deletes ensure no rows sneak past.

Troubleshotting your way

Loaded table? Keep calm & DOM manipulate!

Attempting to vanquish rows from a monstrous table loaded with hundreds of rows? Your code's performance might whimper. Fear not! Keep your UI lively and kicking by:

  • Giving your <tbody> a fresh makeover instead of chasing down every row.
  • Asynchronously waving the magic wand of setTimeout or requestAnimationFrame, to prevent any unseemly blockage of UI activities.

On a table hunt

Surely, some pages sprawl with a plague of tables. Never lose sight of your target: Tag them with id:

let specificTable = document.getElementById('specificTable'); // Target acquired! specificTable.querySelector('tbody').innerHTML = ''; // And it's a clean sweep!

Select your weapon wisely

Adapt to the environment: sometimes a shotgun is best, other times a scalpel.

  • For minor, isolated tables, a innerHTML clean out is your Swift Swift.
  • Larger, dynamic tables? Stick with deleteRow() in a loop or just swap out the tbody for structural consistency.