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Convert date to YYYYMM format

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Nov 14, 2024

When dealing with SQL databases, the challenge to present a date in YYYYMM format is ubiquitous. Here are your one-liner solutions for various SQL platforms:

-- SQL Server SELECT FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyyMM') AS FormattedDate; -- Don't worry, gets the job done in a jiffy! -- MySQL SELECT DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%Y%m') AS FormattedDate; -- Chill, it will not bite, it's fluent in SQL. -- PostgreSQL SELECT TO_CHAR(CURRENT_DATE, 'YYYYMM') AS FormattedDate; -- Poster of the Year-Month party, right here!

Remember to replace GETDATE(), CURDATE(), or CURRENT_DATE with your date column or date function to extract YYYYMM.

Formatting strategies for SQL Server

Stepping into the realm of SQL Server, let's explore alternate methodologies beyond the comfort zone of FORMAT:

Leverage CONVERT and varchar

In the absence of FORMAT, CONVERT emerges as the go-to strategy:

SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(6), GETDATE(), 112) AS FormattedDate; -- Just sitting here quietly, formatting your dates.

From chaos emerges a reliable YYYYMM string.

Integer mathematics— the high performance route

Paying due regard to performance, let's shun strings:

SELECT (YEAR(GETDATE()) * 100) + MONTH(GETDATE()) AS FormattedDate; -- String is banished!

You get an integer masquerading as YYYYMM, possibly with a boost in the performance.

Combine year and month— because diversity

In works meant for posterity or when FORMAT isn't available:

SELECT CAST(DATEPART(yy, GETDATE()) AS varchar) + RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) AS varchar), 2) AS FormattedDate;

We ensure a peaceful coexistence of month parts with the RIGHT function.

When does the wand choose the wizard?

  • FORMAT simplifies life and code with its readability and ease.
  • Count on CONVERT when you are stuck with versions prior to 2012 of SQL Server.
  • Integer mathematics paves the way for maximum performance.
  • While pairing DATEPART, CAST, and RIGHT brings joy when string functions are more comforting.

Oops scenarios and word of caution

Remember that FORMAT enjoys a notoriety for being slower for large datasets. The integer math method sometimes is clumsy and returns a number instead of a string, which may steal the thunder away from your consistency parade.

Test for reliability

Ensure your method passes the test of time. Test for skewness with 31st December and leap babies:

SELECT FORMAT('2023-12-31', 'yyyyMM'); -- Should return 202312 SELECT FORMAT('2024-02-29', 'yyyyMM'); -- Should return 202402

Both should pass with flying colors so you can raise a toast to the reliability and accuracy of your date converting mechanism.

Enriching with hands-on tips and best practices

  • Use comments in your SQL code to document the reason for choosing a particular method. Preservation of knowledge, quite cool huh?
  • Performance tests are lifesavers while working with large datasets.
  • Brush up your localization knowledge. Who knew, some day you might be solving problems with an international context!