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How to check a not-defined variable in JavaScript

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 27, 2024

To check for undeclared or undefined variables, use the typeof operator:

if (typeof myVar === "undefined") { // The cavalry hasn't arrived, myVar is undefined 🚫🐎 }

The typeof operator will not trigger a ReferenceError if myVar is not declared, making it a safe option.

Practical techniques for checking variable definition

In current JavaScript versions, strict comparison (===) is your best bet for avoiding misconceptions when checking for undefined.

if (myVar !== undefined) { // So, myVar decided to show up after all 👀 }

Since ECMAScript 5, undefined is read-only and can't be reassigned, making undefined comparisons fail-proof.

Testing for "truthiness" and property existence

Talking about truthiness, or the truth-value of a variable, provides a brevity advantage:

if (myVar) { // Apparently, myVar exists and has a value 🎁 }

However, beware! This trick can be double-edged, as it will fail for any falsy values like 0, null, false, or an empty string.

Property existence in objects can be verified using the handy in operator:

if ('prop' in myObject) { // Property 'prop' in myObject exists! It didn't run away! 😄 }

Foolproof methods to prevent ReferenceErrors

To handle potential undeclared variables, use the tried-and-true try/catch structure:

try { console.log(myVar); // Let's have faith myVar exists } catch (error) { console.warn('myVar wasn't invited to the party 😕', error); }

Notice the console.warn instead of alert: it's easier on the eyes and better for debugging. UX matters, even in console logs!

Handling undefined the smart way: Best practices

Confucius says, "Your code is your garden. Tend to it with care." 🌼 Here are some tips for maintaining a blooming codebase:

  • Clear and concise naming - Choose variable names that speak not whisper.
  • Durability - Stick to a consistent technique for variable checks across your application to avoid confusion and bugs.
  • Be proactive - Don’t wait for a ReferenceError to happen. Make sure a variable exists before you use it.

The different shades of non-existence

JavaScript has quite an array in store when it comes to non-existing values: undefined, null, 0, false and "" (empty string). Each one of these has its unique use.

Especially true when dealing with the DOM, where null is the go-to value when something is not found whereas in the actual JS, undefined carries the flag.

Meaningful error messages

Consider this your PSA: Error messages should be a beacon of guidance, not a source of confusion.

// Let's replace those scary tech errors with soothing messages if (typeof myVar === "undefined") { console.error('Could not find the desired variable. It might be avoiding you. 😒'); }