Change Active Menu Item on Page Scroll?
Implement active menu highlighting using a scroll
listener in JavaScript. This script monitors the section currently in view and updates the menu’s active class accordingly.
Ensure that all your sections have IDs and your menu links have href with corresponding hash (#). Highlight how you prefer the active class in your CSS.
Enhance performance: Throttling and debouncing
High-frequency scroll events can be a party pooper for performance. Luckily, throttling or debouncing come to our rescue like superheroes.
Throttle: This knight limits how often our scroll
event can fire and steal the performance show.
Debounce: This fairy godmother ensures a function cannot be called again until a certain time has elapsed.
Simply smooth: Giving your scroll a sweet touch
Let's glide over the scroll using CSS magic:
Or reach out for JavaScript to have more control over the “smooth criminal”:
Being a pal: Ensuring responsive and cross-browser compatibility
Responsiveness is like a best friend during user interaction. Using CSS media queries, we can style the active menu items differently on mobile devices for that friendly touch.
For garnishing the cross-browser compatibility dish, verify the support for scroll event and timeline for each browser version. Consider using polyfills as a secret sauce for older browsers.
Labeling the territory and staying in sight: Visual cues and seamless navigation
Design your menu to wink back at the users. Bright colors, bold fonts, or “look-at-me” icons that inform about the active section give that sweet visual feedback. Add these little design cherries through your CSS:
For seamless navigation, ensure that the menu always stays in sight:
Adapting to change: Handling dynamic content and SPA considerations
For dynamic divas like new content or Single-Page Applications (SPA), we need to listen to their heartbeat or changes:
For anchor links, create adjustments in the scroll position to avoid the headings getting shy below the sticky header:
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