Check if a user has scrolled to the bottom (not just the window, but any element)
Evidence of a bottom scroll within an element can be established by comparing the scrollTop
(scroll offset), clientHeight
(visible area of the element), and scrollHeight
(total scrollable height). The bottom is reached if the sum of scrollTop
and clientHeight
equals or is larger than the scrollHeight
With a debounce function in place, the checks are done smoothly, enhancing your performance score:
Brace yourself for scroll events
Scroll events can turn a smooth user experience into a jerky one if not handled with care. Debouncing or throttling these events keeps the scrolling action smooth and prevents overloading the browser.
The Math.max()
function is used to determine the document height in a consistent manner across different browsers:
A dynamic content loading strategy is perfect for achieving infinite scrolling effects, bringing about an engaging user experience by providing fresh content as the user scrolls.
Bottomless truth about infinite scroll
Don't get stuck in a loop
Infinite scroll can cause an issue where the same content could get loaded multiple times. This can be avoided by tracking the state of your on-going Ajax requests, or by using a simple boolean flag.
Precision is key
For a more precise detection, you can trigger the event even before the user has reached the bottom:
Look for reliable alternatives
In case scrollHeight
and clientHeight
don’t prove to be reliable, consider using getBoundingClientRect()
for more accurate results.
Enhance the user experience
Predictive loading
Implementing intelligent loading solutions that pre-fetch content as the user approaches the end can greatly enhance the user experience.
Utilise modern APIs
Consider the Intersection Observer API for detecting the presence of an element in the viewport. This modern approach can be more efficient than traditional scroll event listeners and helps avoid complications with dynamic heights.
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