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Are empty HTML data attributes valid?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 28, 2024

Yes, empty data attributes are valid in HTML5. They can be used without a value and can be enriched with JavaScript, at a later stage:

<!-- Who needs a toggle when you have an empty data attribute? 🧐 --> <button data-toggle></button>

This button's empty data-toggle attribute is standards-compliant and also prepared for dynamic content.

Understanding the behavior of data attributes

Comparing boolean & data attributes

It's pivotal to comprehend that empty data-* attributes and boolean attributes (checked, disabled, etc.) don't operate under the same rules.

For custom data attributes:

  • An empty data-* attribute actually possesses an empty string, not a true or false.
  • To check if a data attribute exists, use element.hasAttribute('data-myattr') or element.dataset.myattr !== undefined.

Empty data-* and jQuery

jQuery plugins can use empty data attributes to automatically initiate plugins, like modals or lightboxes that do not require additional inputs:

<!-- I'm empty but ready for the modal-action. Bring it on! --> <div data-modal></div>

Browser compatibility is typically not an issue, unless you're dealing with versions of Internet Explorer older than 9.

Digging deeper: Practical applications & validation

Verifying your code

If you're ever unsure, use validation tools like the W3C Validator (https://validator.w3.org/nu/#textarea) to ensure your data-* attributes are prim and proper.

CSS and JavaScript integration

Empty data attributes can be lassoed in by CSS for exclusive styling:

/* You HAVE to wear blue if your name is data-toggle! */ button[data-toggle] { background-color: blue; }

And by JavaScript to alter behavior based on the attribute presence:

// Ready to run? Only if data-toggle is here! if (document.querySelector('button').hasAttribute('data-toggle')) { // Let the fun begin... }

Potential pitfalls

Although useful, data attributes can be a muddle if overused sans explicit documentation, or left as lone wolves without corresponding functionality. To fend off these issues, ensure regular code reviews and affectionate commenting 😉.