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How to open a Bootstrap modal window using jQuery?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 23, 2024

To swiftly activate a modal using jQuery, use:


This sizzles up the modal tied to #myModal. Don't forget to integrate Bootstrap and jQuery scripts.

Ensure the modal ID utilized in the jQuery selector aligns with the actual modal ID within your HTML document. A match is critical for the modal to make its enigmatic appearance.

Activation: manual and data attributes

Manual modal invocation

Though manual labor may be daunting, manually triggering modals grants more control. If there's an error or a success message you want your users to acknowledge, showcase it in a modal. Simply raise the curtain on your modal right after your AJAX call:

$('form').on('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // ... your AJAX call goes here $('#myModal').modal('show'); // Curtains up });

Data attribute triggering

If manually tightening bolts isn't your cup of tea, try data attributes. This tiny snippet does the heavy lifting:

<button data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">Open Modal</button>

Poof, just like that, your modal has been summoned, no additional JavaScript incantations required.

Dynamic modal loading

To inject form data into a modal upon submission, combine jQuery's .serialize() with the innate powers of Bootstrap modals:

$('form').on('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const formData = $(this).serialize(); $('.modal-body').text(formData); $('#myModal').modal('show'); // Ta-da });

Behold, your submitted form data, now comfortably nested within the modal. User experience, improved: it's just magic.

Managing conflicts and gotchas

Put jQuery.noConflict() in your toolkit

JavaScript library conflicts can be pesky critters, burrowing into your codebase. jQuery's .noConflict() is the flamethrower to clear the path:

$.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#myModal').modal('show'); // jQuery, now conflict-free });

The "one jQuery instance" rule

Avoid duplicating jQuery scripts — it's like hosting a house party but inviting each guest twice. Chaos ensues, errors creep up, and modals sneak past the bouncer.

Get your trigger attributes right

<button onclick="$('#myModal').modal('show')">Open Modal</button>

Confirm that your trigger element's href attribute isn't causing unintended navigation. In the above snippet, we jump straight to action with an inline onclick handler — no waiting in lines, no cover charges.

Populating your modal

A question often pops up: how do we populate modals dynamically with data queried from a server? Here's one way:

$('#viewDetailsButton').on('click', function() { // I solemnly swear I'm up to no good... const contentId = $(this).data('contentId'); $.get('/getContent/' + contentId, function(data) { $('.modal-body').html(data); $('#myModal').modal('show'); // Mischief managed! }); });

The data-contentId attribute on the button serves as a suitcase for the identifier of the data to display. Result: a dynamic and responsive UX.