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Any good ORM tools for Android development?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Jan 29, 2025

Bridge the gap between SQLite and your application with Room, an ORM offered by Google.

A quick look:

@Entity // Your SQL table on steroids. public class User { @PrimaryKey // You're more than just a number, but here, you're a number. public int uid; @ColumnInfo(name = "first_name") // Call me by my name. public String firstName; // You can add additional info like date of birth, email, avatar, etc. More fun! } @Dao // Your efficient database secretary. public interface UserDao { @Query("SELECT * FROM user") // I want it all! List<User> getAll(); @Insert // Come in, make yourself at home. void insert(User user); // Other CRUD operations. Go wild! } // Whip up your database AppDatabase db = Room.databaseBuilder(context, AppDatabase.class, "db-name").build(); // Cooking... done!

Room takes care of all the dirty work, including type-safe queries and LiveData integration for reactive UI updates. Lighter alternatives to Room include ORMLite, GreenDAO, and SugarORM for uncomplicated needs.

When selecting an ORM tool, evaluate based on performance, maintenance, flexibility, and accessibility. Several choices are available:

  • ORMLite: The healthy alternative to Hibernate. ORMLite is a lightweight, JDBC-based ORM that is optimized for Android.

  • GreenDAO: A speed demon known for high performance. It substantially reduces the use of reflection through code generation, manifesting in faster operations.

  • ObjectBox: A new kid on the block designed exclusively for mobile platforms. Known for its efficiency and cross-platform compatibility.

  • Realm: Excellent for real-time and reactive applications. Offers live objects and change notifications. Also supports cross-platform development.

  • DBFlow: A blend of speed, simplicity, and a fluent SQLite query language that makes it a delightful ORM to use.

  • ActiveAndroid: Streamlines database creation process and ORM layer for rapid development.

Practical considerations

While choosing an ORM, practical facets should be thoroughly evaluated:

  • Framework size is a crucial factor considering GreenDAO's size advantage over Room, affecting APK size.

  • Release management is vital. Timely updates and revisions reflect an active ORM tool.

  • Database schema evolution: Ability to smoothly version and migrate schemas as your app scales is crucial. Room provides adaptive migration classes and annotations.

  • Codebase accessibility: A meticulously documented codebase augments your understanding of ORM operations.

Tailoring ORM as per project requirements

Selecting the right ORM tool largely determines your app's performance. Room, being the Android norm backed by Google, provides extensive and integrated feature set. On the other hand, GreenDAO and DBFlow entice with their speed and simplicity. Object-oriented database advocates might consider db4o, despite its relatively steeper learning curve. Tools that support dependency injection facilitate writing modular and testable code. Additionally, vibrant community support, resource availability and peer assistance are vital for problem-solving.