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Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 9, 2024

In C++, std::cin can take its sweet time due to thread safety and compatibility features with C's standard I/O. However, with just a sprinkling of code, you can transform it into a speed demon! Use std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); to unchain from C's I/O, and std::cin.tie(nullptr); to snap the bonds with std::cout. Upon tuning, C++ can potentially outpace Python's cozy buffered ecosystem.

Here's a rocking piece of code to rev up your C++ input:

#include <iostream> int main() { std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cin.tie(nullptr); for(std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); ) { // Line processing faster than the Road Runner! } }

Bulk up reading: The en masse strategy

Thinking in chunks can help lighten the load of system calls. It's like going to a buffet where you can haul up as much food (data) as you can in one go. Trust me; your I/O performance will thank you!

char buffer[1048576]; // All hail the 1 MiB buffer. Size matters, duh! std::cin.read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // ...processing buffer... Faster than my date ditching me...

Tactics for streamlining the buffering process

Always remember: stream buffering is crucial. Applying something like std::cin.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buffer, buffer_size) can give you custom stream buffering, allowing for a smoother ride. Try starting with a 1 MiB buffer size (1024*1024) and see the magic unfold.

Advanced C++ input-output stream mixing

If you're involved with all sorts of I/O input, segregate your operations or go all-in on one. Beware of the monster called mixed input-output risks, especially when you've disabled syncing. They can spawn unpredictable results in the realm of iostreams and C stdio.

Profiling: Your path to performance enlightenment

Profiling tools like dtruss or strace can open the doors to performance salvation for your C++ programs. For Python, you can make friends with our mate cProfile to rummage into the depths of your script's performance.

Juicing out compilation

What can you squeeze from a compilation? Try flags like -O3 to optimize your code aggressively, although they might not give a huge boost to I/O performance. But hey, worth the shot!

Binary mode: The dark knight of file handling

If you wrestle with non-text data, you can sway the tide to your side with binary mode (std::ios::binary). This tactic avoids sneaky conversions and gets you close and personal with your data.

Memory management, aka playing with buffers

Here's a play: seekg() and tellg() combo to calculate the exact buffer size you need to consume an entire file's content. Always be a good citizen and call file.close() to free up system resources when you're done mucking around with files.

Ditching 'cat' for pristine benchmarks

Say bye to cat when you're benchmarking by directing inputs straight from a file. You'll get more precise results with a clean process invocation.

/usr/bin/time ./compiled_program < input_file

C++'s alternative I/O tools

Explore other fishing tools in the stream world like std::istreambuf_iterator or std::istrstream. They can bring more compatibility and functionality to I/O operations.

Buffer content sanity check

Don't let your buffers lose sanity by forgetting to end them with a null character. It can lead to overrun errors or undefined behaviour — and we don't want that, do we?

The variety saga of C++ and simplicity charm of Python

Crank up to the max by leveraging on C++ library features that help with stream manipulations. On the flip side, Python's charm lies in the simplified high-level operations and lower overhead.

Reading source: Pipes or file descriptors

Tweak and tune your code based on your I/O source; be it pipes or file descriptors, the strategy can vary to milk out the best performance.