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Why is Maven downloading the maven-metadata.xml every time?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Mar 13, 2025

To reduce Maven's frequent redownloads of maven-metadata.xml, set <updatePolicy> to daily or interval:X in pom.xml. This limits update checks to once a day or every X minutes, minimizing network traffic.

<repository> <releases> <updatePolicy>daily</updatePolicy> <!-- or 'interval:X' minutes, like interval:1440, but who counts minutes these days, right? --> </releases> </repository>

Steer clear of SNAPSHOT versions and tweak the settings.xml mirror configurations for further optimizations.

Understand Maven and its metadata habits

Maven update policies: Get to grips

Maven’s settings.xml file contains the updatePolicy element that controls how often it checks for updates. The interval:X policy is particularly flexible – replace X with your chosen number of minutes between update checks. For example:

<updatePolicy>interval:1440</updatePolicy> <!-- Checks for updates every 24 hours. That's one "round Earth" rotation! -->

Dealing with those pesky SNAPSHOTs

SNAPSHOT versions are habitual offenders when it comes to triggering frequent checks. This is due to their ever-changing nature. Sticking to release versions naturally cuts down the metadata checks frequency.

Run Maven in offline mode when you can

Running Maven with the -o or --offline flag ensures that your build process won’t attempt to scour the network looking for updates. This comes in handy for repeatable builds when you don’t need the very latest dependencies.

Maven metadata traffic: Get it under control

Get specific with plugin versions

Clearly defining plugin versions in your pom.xml helps to reduce Maven’s FOMO (fear of missing out), which means fewer checks for newer versions and less maven-metadata.xml downloading.

Not all heroes wear capes: Maven repository managers

Using a Maven Repository Manager like Nexus or Artifactory brings order to chaos by caching remote lookups and reducing the need to fetch those pesky metadata files.

Tidy up your build

Give your project structure and dependencies an MOT – doing so can lead to quicker builds. Maven will have fewer things to download, which supercharges the overall build process.

Seek alternatives

Look around for other build tools such as Gradle or Bazel, offering a potential upgrade with more efficient dependency resolution and build caching mechanisms.

Keep calm and stabilize your internet

A reliable and steady internet connection can save a lot of headaches in Maven projects. Be sure to prevent repeated metadata fetching caused by dropped network connections.

Face the common Maven challenges head-on

Solve the webxml attribute requirement issue

The "webxml attribute is required" error is Maven's way of saying, "I need directions!." Ensure that the path to WEB-INF/web.xml is correctly mentioned in your pom.xml or has been created.

Convert SNAPSHOTs to releases proactively

Transforming SNAPSHOT dependencies into release versions whenever feasible notably downsizes metadata updates frequency, making your build process more streamlined.

The -o/--offline switch: Your secret code

The -o switch is also a clever fix for the error relating to missing web.xml during compilation. It tells Maven to fall back on the locally stored cache, skipping the attempt to fetch remote resources.

Leveraging caching for reproducible builds

Caching mechanisms are heaven-sent—they reduce download times and speed up Maven builds. Manual entries or repository managers could implement them to aid more reproducible builds.