Why does Prettier not format code in VS Code?
Swiftly get Prettier to work in VS Code by ensuring it's installed and chosen as your go-to formatter. Use Ctrl+Shift+P, type "Format Document With...", and select Prettier. Confirm these settings:
Always make sure that you're working with a supported file type. Additionally, watch out for conflicting formatters or problematic .prettierrc configurations. Disable or uninstall any other formatter extensions to avoid any monkey business.
Pin Down Prettier Setup and Common Issues
Installing and selecting Prettier
Prettier should be installed looked-after well, like a loyal pet. Check this in VS Code's Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X). Once that's confirmed, Prettier should be the king of the jungle, the default formatter:
Dealing with compatibility and teamwork with ESLint
Prettier likes playing nice with supported file types and dislikes anyone else treading on its turf. So, any other formatters should be benched. If you're using ESLint, it's essential for ESLint and Prettier to be BFFs, else they might end up fighting.
Personalizing .prettierrc
is your chance to share your 'words of formatting wisdom' with Prettier. You can whisper configurations like tabWidth
, semi
, and singleQuote
into Prettier's ears here.
Embracing automatic formatting on save
Being a wise developer is often about saving time, and having Prettier auto-format your code upon saving might just make you a time-traveler. Don't forget to say "auto-format, engage!"
Multilingual Prettier configurations
Prettier is like a polyglot, supporting different languages. However, it's a little OCD about syntactic errors in code, refusing outright to format files with such aberrations.
Comprehensive Code Formatting Guide
Specific code pattern considerations in frameworks
Frameworks like Nuxt might contain code patterns that need a little extra formatting TLC. Be prepared, dear developer, to help it along.
Stay alert: VS Code's status bar signals
The VS Code status bar is not shy in expressing its feelings. If it mentions error indications from Prettier, please consider therapy by addressing the issues accordingly.
Picture it with visual aids
"A picture is worth a thousand words" isn't just an old saying. It's useful in coding too. Get a visual guide on configuring Prettier in VS Code here. It’s like an IKEA manual for your code.
Deep-dive into VS Code settings
Go spelunking in several settings in VS Code to discover more. Navigation path? File > Preferences > Settings > User > Text Editor > Formatting. Don't forget your flashlight!
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