Why does an ES6 React component work only with "export default"?
The export default
syntax in ES6 notably streamlines the import process of React components by allowing you to forego curly braces. While named exports necessitate explicit braces and precise naming, default exports do not:
Default export:
Named export:
Primarily, default exports are simply easier to manage when a single component is exported per file, and they ensure that a module can export
one default for hassle-free consumption.
Break Down: What "Export Default" Does for Your React Component
Simplifies import syntax for single components
Given that React encourages a one-component-per-file mantra for enhanced maintainability, the export default
syntax is naturally in line with this pattern. It allows direct imports void of curly braces, which leads to tidier and more readable code:
Provides the freedom to rename
The beauty of default exports is that they can be renamed upon import with no need for any aliasing syntax:
Ensures compatibility with code splitting and lazy loading
When it comes to using dynamic imports paired with React.lazy, default exports pave way for a more streamlined approach towards code splitting and lazy loading:
The Why & How: A Deeper Dive into "Export Default"
The Limitations of Named Exports
With named exports, your components need to be imported under the exact same name they were exported with, and this can cause potential confusion or naming conflicts:
The Advantages of "Export Default"
Beyond user-friendly syntax, export default
ensures easier integration with code libraries or tools that anticipate a default export from each module. This is especially useful if you’re working with libraries that automatically bind your components or enhance them in certain ways.
Importing Both Named and Default Exports
From times to times, a module might contain one default export and several named exports for any companion components or functions. ES6 allows to import both formats simultaneously, thereby providing the flexibility to design your modules as you please:
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