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What is it when a link has a pound "#" sign in it

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 18, 2024

A link with a # is an anchor pointing to a specific section of a page, identified by a matching id. This navigational tool enables users to jump to that section with a click.


<a href="#tips">See Tips</a> <!-- Space rocket fueling complete. Ready for launch to #tips --> ... <div id="tips">Helpful Tips</div> <!-- Houston, we have landed! This is #tips -->

In HTML, the href attribute holding a # followed by an identifier instructs the browser to scroll to a named element within the same page, empowering seamless navigation.

The book of anchors

The role of anchor "<a>"

The <a> tag, garnished with #, plays a pivotal role in site navigation. If the href="#" is empty, it gives a free ride to the top of the current page when clicked. This pattern is popular in JavaScript-driven pages, but care is needed not to disturb the user experience with unexpected page jumps.

ID driven anchors

An id garnishing an HTML element becomes the target landing spot for any link on the page wearing a # followed by that ID. This boosts the user experience by outlining the content for ease of navigation.

Anchors triggering action

At times, # is seen playing the role of a placeholder within the <a> tag intending to handle JavaScript event listeners. It's more deft to use <button> elements to signal actions, restricting <a> tags for genuine navigation.

Accessibility – the guiding star

Using # in links should aim to enhance, not hinder accessibility. Screen readers swear by meaningful anchors to voyage through the content hence presenting a coherent, standards-compliant structure is a must.

Smooth sailing with user experience

Smooth scrolling is the icing on the cake when anchoring links – impressive and user-friendly. This can be achieved with some simple CSS or JavaScript tricks, giving users a seamless transition to the desired section.

Unraveling JavaScript and '#'

Commanding with document.location.hash

The JavaScript syntax document.location.hash is a swiss army knife to access or modify the URL hash. It brings about dynamic interface changes sans page reload, playing a vital role in single-page applications (SPAs).

Dodging default behavior

The fly in the ointment with using # is the natural page jumping conduct. Using javascript:void(0) instead of # as the href comes handy when a link is solely for JavaScript's amusement. This maintains the scroll position and performs the intended JavaScript action.

Hash changes and page history

Every change in the # values creates shiny new history entries, enabling users to hit reverse gear with the browser's back button to reach the previous state. This behavior can be tweaked using the HTML5 History API, giving a granular control over the browser history.

Steeling towards element IDs

Linking to a specific section of a webpage using # finds its roots from classic named anchors. Evolving from the age-old method of named anchors like <a name="tips"></a>, the modern HTML standards now lean towards using IDs on any element for anchoring.

Hash changes triggering actions

In the world of dynamic web applications, reacting to hash changes opens the gates to present relevant content based on the URL fragment. Listening for a hashchange event sparks off JavaScript actions like a fireworks display, thereby enhancing the interactivity of the app.

Anchors influencing design

Carefully placed anchors, heralded by the #, contribute towards an improved web design. They emerge as strategic navigation points within long or content-dense pages, making them more palatable for users.