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What is "above-the-fold content" in Google Pagespeed?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 5, 2024

To optimize above-the-fold content, inline critical CSS and delay JavaScript not required for initial page rendering. Give priority to immediate visibility and interactivity to enhance page speed and user experience. This means adding essential styles inside the <style> tag within your HTML's <head>:

<head> <style> .hero { /* Superman's cape - whoosh! */ } </style> </head>

Implement techniques like CSS media queries for conditional loading and image compression to increase above-the-fold load speeds.

Optimizing above-the-fold content: Why it matters

Supercharging above-the-fold (ATF) content loading times contributes to stellar user experience and bolsters SEO rankings. Google's PageSpeed algorithm favors pages that serve up content swiftly. It's particularly important on mobile devices where network performance can fluctitle widely.

Inlining crucial CSS to save the day

Inlining critical CSS for ATF content involves embedding it directly in the HTML document, rather than linking external stylesheets. This significantly reduces network requests, crucial for a snappy initial render.

Render-blocking resources: Not so super!

Render-blocking resources, such as external scripts and stylesheets, hamper ATF content rendering. To grapple with these villains, place scripts at the bottom of the body tag and use async or defer attributes to prevent blockage. Use tools like Critical or Penthouse to generate and inline critical CSS.

Automation tools: Your trusty sidekicks

Using tools to streamline ATF content optimization is invaluable. Lighthouse, Webpack, and other automation tools can critically evaluate and ameliorate web page performance across different devices and network conditions.

Mobile-first approach: Always in fashion

Fast ATF content loading is paramount, especially on mobile devices. Aim to load the ATF content within the first second. Understanding the performance difference between wired or wifi networks and mobile networks is key to optimize for varying network conditions.

Responsive CSS: Your super suit

For CSS related to ATF content, it's beneficial to implement shared styles across devices using responsive design techniques such as flexbox, grid layouts, and viewport units.

Wrestling with Optimization challenges

While attempting to supercharge ATF content, you might encounter a few challenges. Over inlining might lead to inflated HTML files, and unoptimized images can cause slowdowns, despite tackling critical CSS.

Countering CSS bloat

Avoid HTML bloat by keeping inlined CSS to the point and efficient. Include styles absolutely necessary for rendering ATF content. Load other external stylesheets asynchronously.

Taming image speeds

For images in ATF content, use techniques like lazy-loading, next-gen formats (like WebP), and adaptive image serving based on screen size. This can significantly improve loading speeds without sacrificing image quality.

Balancing act: Devices and networks

Remember, ATF optimization isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Different devices, network conditions, and user preferences require different strategies.

Exploring ATF content further

Load priorities

Use the preload attribute in <link> tags to prioritize the loading of important resources and enhance perceived performance.

Streamline JavaScript

For better results, keep inline scripts minimal and essential, and load non-critical JavaScript after ATF content is displayed.

Utility Belt: Web performance APIs

Use web performance APIs such as Intersection Observer (for lazy-loading) and Resource Hints (for resource priorities and connection management).