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Vscode not auto completing HTML

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Mar 10, 2025

To activate the HTML auto-completion feature in VSCode, make sure Emmet is enabled. Navigate to Settings using Ctrl + ,, search for Emmet and ensure:

"emmet.includeLanguages": { "html": "html" }

is included in your settings.json file. Afterwards, check if HTML is set as the language mode at the bottom-right. If not, opt for HTML from the language dropdown.

Updating VSCode : Road to Stability

Ensure your VSCode is always updated to the latest version. It offers you new features and bug fixes, some even possibly related to tag auto-closure behavior.

Language Mode : Master Key to Efficiency

Working with files bearing HTML content but with a different extension (like .php or .ejs)? Ensure to set the language mode as HTML to enhance VSCode's tag auto-completion accuracy. "When in doubt, go HTML mode!"

Emmet Abbreviations : The Need For Speed!

Add wings to your coding productivity with Emmet abbreviations, a secret sauce for generating HTML tags quickly and ensuring correct closure.

An Attack of the Plugins : The Rise of Conflicts

Conflicting extensions can sometimes be the villains of your coding story. Temporarily disabling them can help identify the real offender!

IntelliSense vs Emmet : A Gentleman's Duel

IntelliSense and Emmet are two knights in the coding arena. IntelliSense gives smart completions based on various factors while Emmet unfolds markup abbreviations into full HTML wonders. VSCode: Coding done right, or your keystrokes back!

Keyboard Shortcuts : Your Secret Superpower!

Who doesn't need a superpower? Ctrl + Space: triggers a manual completion suggestion list. Couple it with Emmet's tab expansion for HTML coding faster than light!

Edge-case Scenarios : The Uncharted Territory

Windows 7 users may experience unique issues due to outdated features. When you hit a wall, reach out to the VSCode support or get help from the warm folks in online forums to give your car some extra mileage.
