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Using Node.JS, how do I read a JSON file into (server) memory?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 16, 2024
const fs = require('fs'); // 🎵 Here comes the sun(metadata)...do, do, do, do 🎵 const jsonObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('file.json', 'utf8'));

This quick snippet loads JSON from 'file.json' directly into a JavaScript object using fs.readFileSync. Voila! The data is immediately ready to party in your code.

Synchronous vs. asynchronous: Choose your fighter

Depending on your project's vibe, you may prefer synchronous (fs.readFileSync) or asynchronous (fs.readFile) loading.

Synchronous is like a jack in the box: Pop! Your data is immediately ready to use. But keep an eye out—it can block the event loop, which could slow your app's groove with large files.

On the other hand, asynchronous is more like a slow-cooker. It takes a bit longer, but it won't hold the event loop hostage, keeping your app running smooth like butter.

Error handling: It's not you, it's JavaScript

Error handling—the JavaScript therapist. Always ensure the file path is correct and brace for the potential ENOENT (file not found) tantrum. In the async world, mental health matters - keeping error handling in check within the callback function is a necessity.

Use require for JSON files? Yes we can!

The require function is another way to connect with your JSON files. It's a bit special because it keeps the JSON files in cache, like a digital cookie jar. It's super useful if your file's content is as unchanging as Mount Rushmore.

Just keep in mind require also processes the JSON file as a module, which might surprise you with some extra memory usage.

Parsing JSON: Don't trip on your shoelaces

Ever tripped on your shoelaces outta nowhere? That's likely a malformed JSON. Double-check the format of your JSON file and also put a safety net under JSON.parse() with a try-catch block. Always hate when the JSON trips over the invisible shoelace!

Optimize large file handling with streams

For huge JSON files that are larger than your office's coffee machine, use Node.js streams. Streams let you sip the file little by little, preventing a memory overload and keeping your app fluid and unblocked.

const fs = require('fs'); const path = 'path/to/large-file.json'; // We are gonna need a bigger pipe! const stream = fs.createReadStream(path, { encoding: 'utf8' }); let data = ''; stream.on('data', chunk => { data += chunk; }); stream.on('end', () => { try { const jsonData = JSON.parse(data); // jsonData is ready to party! 🥳 } catch (e) { console.error('Parsing error:', e); } });

Memory management: Don't spill your coffee

Keep an eye on your app's memory usage. Massive JSONs can leave a mark on your memory footprint. If you're juggling terabytes of data, it might be time to call in for a memory-efficient plan such as stream processing or an actual database.

'require' compatibility and file extensions

Double-check your Node.js supports require for JSON files. Verify your Node.js is v8.9.1 or later, else you'll miss the party. Also, the file extension has to be .json. Just like you wouldn’t put diesel in a gasoline car, you don't want to require a non-JSON file.

Remember to cache-in frequently accessed JSON

For accessing the same JSON repeatedly, bring in a cache strategy. The less I/O operations means the faster your app will run. In a high-load environment, this could be the difference between a happy user and a tech support call.