Turning Sonar off for certain code
Hush SonarLint/SonarQube up for specific code by using @SuppressWarnings("squid:RuleID")
for whole classes/methods, or //NOSONAR
for single-line critiques.
Locate and annihilate
To silence warnings, you need the SonarQube rule ID. Open up the SonarQube UI, go to Issues Drilldown, find your pesky issue, and click on the Rule link. The rule ID is right at the top, something like squid:S00112
. Behold, your suppressant!
Non-specific silencers
When using @SuppressWarnings
feels like using a sledgehammer to swat a fly, call //NOSONAR
into action to exclude a single line. This shotgun approach is less elegant than @SuppressWarnings
, so remember, with great power comes great responsibility!
Annotations for the rescue
Deploy the @SuppressFBWarnings
annotation not just to fool Sonar, but also to explain why. Part of the FindBugs migration agreement, it still works the same magic!
For excluding the big guns
Does your project have more modules than you can count on your fingers? When annotations can't keep up, configure Sonar's analysis scope to exclude entire files or directories. This keeps your codebase neat as a pin and Sonar focused on the real McCoy.
The art of clean exclusions
Scope it right
Strike a balance. Broad exclusions are a recipe for missing potential flaws while targeted suppressions protect the quality of your codebase.
Periodic checks
Out of sight, out of mind? Not quite. Keep a close eye on suppressed warnings as their relevance may change over time.
CI/CD eats this for breakfast
In CI pipelines, exclude generated code or third-party libraries to focus on the greatness of your original code.
Gotchas ahead
Too much of //NOSONAR
You wouldn't want to hide flaws under the carpet. Too many //NOSONAR
can create a fantasyland of flawless code.
Justify your suppressions
Omit the excuses at your peril. Suppressing without justifying makes your future code maintenance a journey into the labyrinth.
Quality gates and profiles stay
Suppressing does not pull the plugs on quality gates. The suppressed issues can still impact your project's status in the SonarQube Quality Gate if not reflected in the quality profile configuration.
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