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Test if a string contains any of the strings from an array

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Mar 8, 2025

To check if a string contains any substring from an array, Java's Stream and anyMatch come to the rescue:

String[] triggers = {"foo", "bar", "baz"}; String input = "A foobar walks into a bar..."; boolean matchFound = Arrays.stream(triggers).anyMatch(input::contains); System.out.println(matchFound); // Prints 'true', the foobar joke did trigger a match!

We use Arrays.stream to cast a spell and turn our array into a stream. Then, anyMatch — our secret keyword detective, does an efficient sweep through the input string, calling off the search as soon as any match is found.

Deep Dive: Multiple approaches and performance notes

Advantages of using Lists over arrays

Although arrays are one of Java's classic data structures, converting them to List provides a whole horizon of flexibility:

List<String> triggers = Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "baz"); // Our joke-triggering words boolean matchFound = triggers.stream().anyMatch(input::contains); // Still looking for a laugh

Now you can add or remove elements from triggers, no arrays were harmed during this process.

Case sensitivity handling

We're not all shouty on the internet, so case can vary:

boolean matchFound = triggers.stream() .anyMatch(trigger -> input.toLowerCase().contains(trigger.toLowerCase()));

Here, we make case insensitive checks. Whether it's 'FOO' or 'foo' — the laugh is still valid!

Going RegEx for intricate patterns

For scenarios that are more than just a knock-knock joke, regular expressions come handy:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile(String.join("|", triggers)); // Assemble the joke detector Matcher m = p.matcher(input); // Start the detection engine boolean matchFound = m.find(); // Let's see if there's something funny here.

Our pattern using Pattern.compile and our trusty Matcher allows us to handle more complex patterns. Be it a one-liner or a punny story, we're finding them all!

Utilising StringUtils for compact checks

Need a quick laugh? Enter StringUtils from Apache Commons:

boolean matchFound = StringUtils.indexOfAny(input, triggers) != -1;

StringUtils.indexOfAny does a quick check. If it returns anything but -1, it means there's a funny word in there. Nice and easy!

Even More Options: Improving readability and performance

Keeping it simple with streams

For a small number of words, a regular stream laughs all the way to the performance bank, because parallel processing can sometimes be a bit too much fun for its own good.

Aiding readability with static methods

Packaging our joke detector into a static utility method not only makes the code read more like English but also recyclable:

public static boolean containsFunnyWord(String input, String... triggers) { return Arrays.stream(triggers).anyMatch(input::contains); } // Call it as 'containsFunnyWord(input, triggers)'. Keep the laughs flowing everywhere!

Laughing all the way with large datasets

For a long list of funny words, consider using Java's built-in parallelStream(). It's a longer laugh track:

boolean matchFound = Arrays.asList(triggers).parallelStream().anyMatch(input::contains); // Don't keep the laughs waiting.

This can significantly improve performance, especially if you're running this at a comedy festival.

Simplifying syntax with method references

Java 8 introduced method references, making your joke-detection code easier to read:

boolean matchFound = triggers.stream().anyMatch(input::contains); // The 'input::contains' means - "Hey input, do you contain any of my triggers?"