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Stop LastPass filling out a form

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 26, 2024

To stop LastPass autofill, add data-lpignore="true" to the input elements:

<input data-lpignore="true" />

This attributes instructs LastPass to ignore the specified fields when autofilling.

Extended strategies

Here are some additional strategies to prevent LastPass form filling that you might find useful:

  1. Reliable and privacy focused: The autocomplete="off" attribute can be used on the form to blank out sensitive segments. Keep in mind, some browsers might not respect this for user experience's sake.

  2. Unassuming IDs: Using unique identifiers that include less common terms, -search- for example, can also confuse LastPass. Uncommon IDs lessen the likelihood of autofill.

  3. Invisible icons: Tired of those pesky LastPass icons? Use the old background-position in CSS to send those icons into the abyss of your webpage.

  4. Sneaky ids and names: Sometimes, being sneaky pays off. If you don't use typical field names, you can fly under the autofill radar.

  5. Appeal to the higher beings: Sometimes you'll have to petition the LastPass developers for a feature that could prevent autofill entirely.

Instructions on managing form fills are provided by LastPass.com. It's a good place for any updates on making autofills more manageable.

Deep dive into autocomplete

The autocomplete attribute can do more than you think.

  • Use autocomplete="new-password" to trick LastPass into thinking it's a new password field.

  • Got input types that LastPass usually ignores? Disguise them as text fields with CSS for a sneaky save.

Stuck with a stage-five-clinger autofill?

  • Create hidden dummy fields to absorb the autofill.

  • Use dynamic field naming that changes with every page load.

Keep up with the Jones– sorry, I mean LastPass updates, to stay in touch with any changes in autofill behaviour.