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Sql Case Expression Syntax?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Jan 17, 2025

The SQL CASE expression allows for conditional logic in your SQL queries, similar to an IF-ELSE statement. So, you can use this expression as:

SELECT CASE WHEN condition THEN result ELSE default END FROM table;

As an example, let's categorize age:

SELECT CASE WHEN age < 18 THEN 'Minor' WHEN age >= 18 THEN 'Adult' END AS AgeGroup FROM people;

This query will categorize each age value as either 'Minor' or 'Adult' in the AgeGroup column.

Unlocking the CASE basics

When Simple meets Searched: The CASE of two types

SQL provides two types of CASE expressions: the simple CASE and the searched CASE, choice depends on your needs:

  1. Simple CASE evaluates one expression against a set of specific values. Imagine asking a color-blind friend, "What color is the traffic light?" They may say:
SELECT CASE color WHEN 'red' THEN 'stop' -- "Why are all these cars honking at me?" WHEN 'yellow' THEN 'caution' -- "Do I risk it or wait?" WHEN 'green' THEN 'go' -- "Of course, it's always green when you're late!" ELSE 'unknown' END AS traffic_signal FROM signals;
  1. Searched CASE is used with a set of Boolean conditions, like grading students:
SELECT CASE WHEN score >= 90 THEN 'Excellent' -- "Did you find the cheat sheet or what?" WHEN score >= 80 THEN 'Good' -- Typical overachiever WHEN score >= 70 THEN 'Average' -- "C's get degrees!" ELSE 'Improvement needed' -- "I can't believe I failed recess!" END AS grade FROM exam_results;

Null, the ghost in the ELSE clause

Without an ELSE clause, the CASE expression will return NULL if none of the WHEN conditions are met. You can prevent these spooky apparitions by providing a default value with an ELSE clause:

CASE WHEN condition THEN result ELSE 'Default result' --This ain't no ghost town! END

Or, use COALESCE function to base-proof your query against these ghostly NULL values:

COALESCE( (CASE WHEN condition THEN result END), 'Default result' --The Ghostbusters are here! )

Get the most out of your CASE expressions

  • Order: Sort your conditions by how likely they are to be true. Every second counts!
  • Complexity: Keeping conditions simple helps readability and maintenance – no one likes spaghetti code in their SQL, right?
  • Test CASEs: Make sure all possible scenarios in your IF-THEN-ELSE logic are handled.

CASE: Advanced Applications

Conditional aggregation in reporting

CASE really shines in conditional aggregations:

SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'Female' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS TotalFemaleSales, SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'Male' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS TotalMaleSales FROM sales;

Field-specific operations based on conditions?! That's like killing two birds with one stone!

Nesting CASE expressions

For more complicated logic, you might need to nest CASE statements:

SELECT CASE WHEN outer_condition THEN (CASE WHEN inner_condition THEN 'Result A' -- Inception level 1 ELSE 'Result B' -- Inception level 2: CASE within CASE! END) ELSE 'Result C' END AS nested_result FROM data;

It's almost like being in movie Inception, isn't it?

CASE expressions in JOINs

You can also use CASE in JOIN conditions to create dynamic joins:

SELECT * FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON CASE WHEN table1.column = 'condition' THEN table1.id = table2.matching_id ELSE table1.id = table2.default_id END

Bring the versatility of CASE to your JOIN statements!