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Scrollintoview Scrolls just too far

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 3, 2024

Speeding ahead from start to finish is great, but sometimes you overshoot your targets. You need control -- that’s where scrollIntoView and { block: 'nearest' } take center stage.

element.scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest' });

Toggle block to center or end for different aims.

For a splash of precision, pump up your CSS with scroll-margin-top or scroll-padding-top.

.scroll-target { scroll-margin-top: 20px; /* like adding seasoning, adjust to taste */ }

Calibrating the scroll

Tune your scroll controls, it’s like guitar strings, you gotta play it right:

const yOffset = -10; /* tweak until it sings sweetly */ const y = element.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset + yOffset; /* Smooth scroll, smoother than butter */ window.scrollTo({ top: y, behavior: 'smooth' });

Scroll Precision

Get pitch-perfect positioning using CSS properties:

.element { scroll-margin-top: 5px; /* adds a slight nudge */ }

Incorporate both methods for grandmaster-level precision:

// ScrollIntoView and window.scrollBy - a dream team element.scrollIntoView(); window.scrollBy({ top: -10, left: 0 }); // fine-tunes the position

Set scrollIntoView options with laser focus:

element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' });

CSS Scroll Control

Harness the power of scroll-padding-top to reserve a seat, please:

.parent-element { scroll-padding-top: 20px; // Ensures child element gets front row seats }

Removing Layout Thrashing

Minimize layout-reflow, it’s like reducing carbon footprints:

const coords = element.getBoundingClientRect(); // Get coordinates only once, like taking a snapshot

Advanced Scrolling Techniques

Forge custom scrolling functions for repeated use:

function customScrollTo(element, offset) { const y = element.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset + offset; window.scrollTo({ top: y, behavior: 'smooth' }); // Pendulum-like smooth transition }

Modern JavaScript frameworks offer off-the-shelf solutions:

// React example: use a hook for scroll position useEffect(() => { const element = document.getElementById('scroll-target'); customScrollTo(element, -10); // Shift the element into view smoothly }, []);

Testing on Multiple Browsers

Factor in browser differences like factoring in climate for a holiday:

Browser A: ✅ Works as expected Browser B: 🕵️ Adjust with `scroll-padding` or `scroll-margin`