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Object-fit not affecting images

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Dec 3, 2024

Losing a battle against object-fit? Make sure your image has set width and height attributes. The object-fit property can take cover, contain, fill, none, or scale-down as values to suit your desired look. Here's a quick demo:

<img src="your-beautiful-image.jpg" style="width: 500px; height: 300px; object-fit: cover;">

The 'how-to' guide

Tick the checkbox: container dimensions

object-fit can be tricky and it requires specific conditions to shine. One tricky bit is the parent container: when you're using width and height in percentages, they need a parent with defined dimensions - your img tag needs a mom and dad, essentially.

.parent-div { width: 200px; /*parents*/ height: 200px; /*suitable for percentage based babies*/ } .child-img { width: 50%; /* takes only half the space, because it respects its parents */ height: 50%; object-fit: contain; }

Mind the little/big obstacles

‘Houston, we have a problem… or maybe more.’ Be aware of the max-width property or some inconspicuous surrounding elements which could interfere with your object-fit progression. CSS is known to have an attitude sometimes.

img { max-width: unset; /* kick max-width out of the picture */ height: auto; /* preserve aspect ratio, keep it classy. */ object-fit: cover; /* we're all cover models here */ }

Battle the 'whitespace' monsters

Keep an eye out for mysterious whitespace that may creep up beneath your images due to their inline-block behavior. Vanquish it with the vertical-align property set to bottom or middle.

img { vertical-align: bottom; /* because nobody likes extra space in their design */ object-fit: cover; /* you're the cover of my book */ }

Flexbox: Your alignment sidekick

Flexbox is like your best friend - always there when you need to align things up nicely.

.parentContainer { display: flex; /* Let's flex */ justify-content: center; /* Horizontally centered, just like my life goals */ align-items: center; /* Vertically centered, reaching the height of success */ }

Mastering object-fit

Say hello to 'object-position'

With object-position you gain control over the clear visual focus of the image. Think of it as googly eyes for your object-fit clown picture.

img { object-fit: cover; object-position: center top; /* Behold! The center-top attraction! */ }

Always fashionably responsive

Maintain that style while being responsive. Use the max-width and height: auto properties to ensure your image fits any party it goes to.

img { max-width: 100%; /* because exceeding boundaries is not cool */ height: auto; /* maintains proportions for a classy look */ object-fit: contain; /* fits just right, like goldilocks */ }

Browser compatibility and fallbacks

Like all cool things in life, object-fit is not universally supported. Always check browser compatibility. When in doubt, use a polyfill like object-fit-images as your fallback knight in shining armor.