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Mysql CONCAT returns NULL if any field contain NULL

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 14, 2024

Prevent NULL in MySQL CONCAT using IFNULL(column, '') which replaces NULL with an empty string:

SELECT CONCAT(IFNULL(column1, ''), IFNULL(column2, ''), IFNULL(column3, '')) AS result FROM my_table;

This ensures result is never NULL, even if any columns are NULL.

Detailed explanation: handling NULLs with CONCAT

The use of CONCAT can result in NULL if any contributing field is NULL. There are alternatives that handle NULL values more gracefully. Let's dive in:

  • COALESCE(column, '') can be used in place of IFNULL, this is ANSI SQL standard.

    SELECT CONCAT(COALESCE(column1, ''), COALESCE(column2, ''), COALESCE(column3, '')) AS result FROM my_table;
  • CONCAT_WS is a lifesaver. It excludes NULL values and inserts a separator for you. Great for CSV creation:

    SELECT CONCAT_WS(',', column1, column2, column3) AS csv_result FROM my_table; # Result: a CSV-formatted string that doesn't fear NULLs!

    Notice something off? Check the first value in the result. If it's NULL, start CONCAT_WS with an empty string:

    SELECT CONCAT_WS('', column1, column2, column3) AS result FROM my_table; # Result: a string that starts right, even if first column is a NULL party.

Advanced usage: more graceful NULL handling

SQL's capabilities go way beyond the basics. Let's explore some advanced uses:

Sway with CONCAT_WS

Leverage CONCAT_WS's ability to omit NULLs:

SELECT CONCAT_WS('-', column1, column2, column3) AS dashed_result FROM my_table; # Because '-' feels left out without NULLs to play with.

Master your separators

No rule states you must stick with a comma! Get creative:

SELECT CONCAT_WS(' | ', column1, column2, column3) AS piped_result FROM my_table; # Who said fences '|' don't make good neighbors?

Constructing complex strings with NULLs

For a more complex string, you need the right functions and NULL handling:

SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', COALESCE(prefix, ''), COALESCE(first_name, ''), COALESCE(last_name, '') ) AS full_name FROM people; # Result: "Mr. John Doe", not "NULL John NULL". You're welcome.

Essential reading list

Further reading that will hone your skills in the art of NULL handling:

  1. MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual: The Bible for understanding NULL.
  2. W3Schools: The cliff's notes of SQL, including COALESCE.
  3. StackOverflow Discussions: Real developers solving real problems.