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Multiple `` Tags

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton ShumikhinยทJan 17, 2025

You can define multiple <nav> elements in your HTML. Use it to organize different sets of navigation links, securing each with an aria-label to enhance accessibility. For instance, use separate <nav> for main menus, footer links, or sidebar categories.

<nav aria-label="Main navigation"> <!-- Main menu links cause that's where you main-ly navigate, right? ๐Ÿ˜…--> </nav> <nav aria-label="Footer links"> <!-- Links you step on... Get it? ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ --> </nav>

Always consider its intent and context, because each <nav> plays a role in a seamless user journey.

Proper Usage of Multiple <nav> Elements

They are semantically justified

When using multiple <nav> tags, each should represent a significant navigation section. It might be a primary navigation usually found in the <header>, or secondary navigation in the sidebars or <footer>. The rule of thumb is - if it's a major block of links, it deserves its own <nav>.

Accessibility first, and second, and third...

Ensure your multiple <nav> elements are distinguishable for users with assistive technologies. Adding aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes can help screen readers differentiate multiple navigation sections, leveling up the user experience.

Keep your eyes on the prize

Focus on the functionality of your website rather than minor concerns about using multiple <nav> tags. They are HTML5 semantic elements and can be used confidently within their context. Don't get stuck on the minute details - the goal of your coding session is to build a great website!

More Tips & Tricks

Remember, <nav> is a Block Party!

<nav> elements are block-level, and their positioning should be considered accordingly. Don't be afraid to use CSS to place them inline, or for responsive purposes, turn to media queries. Keep in mind, the aesthetics matter as much as semantics in the user's eye!

Good Coders Learn, Great Coders Steal!

Examine Multiple Navigation Landmarks from successful web designs. Why reinvent the wheel when you can learn from the pros? Looking at how other websites deal with navigation structures can be a great source of inspiration.

It's the Little Things That Matter

Using hover effects, focus states, and active link highlighting can take your navigation game to the next level! It's these micromovements that make your page more interactive. Remember, good UX is a collection of well-executed details.