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Java8: HashMap to HashMap using Stream / Map-Reduce / Collector

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Oct 10, 2024

Here is a quick way to transform a HashMap<X, Y> to HashMap<X, Z>, streaming the entry set, mapping each value from Y to Z using a conversion function and collecting the result into a new map:

HashMap<X, Y> sourceMap = new HashMap<>(); // ... populate sourceMap ... HashMap<X, Z> resultMap = sourceMap.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, entry -> yourConversionMethod(entry.getValue()) ));

Where yourConversionMethod maps a Y value to a Z value while keeping the keys intact. Let the transformation begin!

Working through transformation cases

As you transform from Y to Z, you'll encounter various situations. Let's dance through the most common ones:

Null management in transformations

Null values are the silent killers of stream operations, but they don't have to be. Provide a default value or a null-safe operation:

// Default values: the silent heroes in the epic battle against NullPointerExceptions HashMap<X, Z> resultMap = sourceMap.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, entry -> (entry.getValue() == null ? defaultValue : yourTransformation(entry.getValue())) ));

Encouraging reuse with Function Interface

To promote reuse, encapsulate the transformation within a Function<Y, Z>. The Function Interface is not just a pretty face:

// Function Interface walked into a bar... and nothing broke! Function<Y, Z> transformFunction = y -> // ... define transformation; HashMap<X, Z> resultMap = sourceMap.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, entry -> transformFunction.apply(entry.getValue()) ));

Handling complex transformations

Some transformations feel like being lost in a maze, but there's a way out! Break down complex operations into digestible chunks:

// Harry Potter and the Prisoner of HashMap... HashMap<X, Z> resultMap = sourceMap.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, entry -> complexTransformation(entry.getValue()) ));

Under the hood of complex cases

When the going gets tough, such as dealing with complex data types or nested structures, we get more creative. Transformation isn't just a spark, but a bonfire:

Taking steps one at a time

When transformation requires several paces, it's best to chain them using the age-old advice, "One step at a time":

// Multi-step transformation: like cooking... but with more hashmap and less burning HashMap<X, Z> resultMap = sourceMap.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, entry -> firstStep(secondStep(thirdStep(entry.getValue()))) ));

Error taming in stream transformations

Account for errors or exceptions lurking in the shadows during a transformation. Catch these within your lambda expression:

// Try, catch, transform! HashMap<X, Z> resultMap = sourceMap.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, entry -> { try { return transformWithExceptions(entry.getValue()); } catch (TransformationException e) { logError(e); // when life gives you exceptions, make error handling! return defaultValue; // or yell "fire!", throwing a unchecked exception } } ));

Flexibility enhancement with wildcards

For a reusable transformation recipe, usage of wildcards (?) in generics can enhance flexibility. A secret ingredient for a robust solution:

// Wildcards: riding the flexibility train! public <X, Y, Z> HashMap<X, Z> transformMap(HashMap<X, ? extends Y> sourceMap, Function<? super Y, ? extends Z> transformer) { return sourceMap.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( Map.Entry::getKey, entry -> transformer.apply(entry.getValue()) )); }

Finessing and alternatives

Sometimes, the best solution needs a little finesse. Here are some alternatives you might consider when transforming HashMaps:

Direct iteration with forEach

For simple cases where streaming feels too much, a forEach can be the cup of tea you're seeking:

// No streaming? No problem! HashMap<X, Z> resultMap = new HashMap<>(); sourceMap.forEach((key, value) -> resultMap.put(key, yourConversionMethod(value)));

Specialty transformation with external libraries

If you're already dancing with Google Guava, then map transformation is a waltz:

// Dance with Guava: It doesn't step on your toes! ImmutableMap<X, Z> resultMap = Maps.transformValues(sourceMap, yourConversionFunction::apply);

Lean code with testable transformations

Nothing says clean code like testable transformations. Win the maintainability marathon by making transformations individually testable.