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Java Look and Feel (L&F)

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Feb 26, 2025

To modify Java Look and Feel (L&F), leverage UIManager.setLookAndFeel(). Use it with the class name of the desired L&F. To set it to the system look, here’s the key code:

// Because nothing feels quite like home UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());

For the Java Metal look:

// Built tough like a warrior in shiny armor UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName());

Use try-catch to handle exceptions. Remember to initialize this before creating any GUI components.

Choosing the right outfit: L&F options

Java provides various ways to dress up your application. This section covers popular Look and Feel options which you can leverage to improve the appearance and optimize your User Interface.

Nimbus L&F: The modern stylist

Nimbus L&F, known for its sleek and modern touch, is an ideal choice for dressing up your application for a modernized look & feel.

// Get ready for your application to strut the runway in Nimbus' modern couture UIManager.setLookAndFeel("javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel");

However, remember to verify if your runtime environment favors Nimbus.

Substance L&F: The festive dresser

The Substance project offers an extensive palette of themes to match your festive spirit. Just include the Substance library and make a method call to enter the party.

Web L&F: The trendsetter

Web L&F offers compelling customization and stylistic control over your Swing application. It simplifies component-specific styling and makes Swing integration a breeze.

Quaqua L&F: The Mac admirer

For those who are fans of Mac OS X aesthetics, Quaqua L&F is a trustworthy choice. It aims to reproduce the fidelity of Mac-like themes across platforms.

JGoodies L&F: The professional

JGoodies offers professional UI design choices to ensure your application sports a polished and consistent look across platforms while respecting usability and readability.

Pluggable L&F: The versatile actor

The pluggable L&F concept in Java Swing allows easy interchanging of L&Fs without rewriting component display code. It fosters creativity and adapts to changing requirements.

Open Source L&F options: The enthusiastic collaborator

Java Swing has a healthy ecosystem of open-source L&F options. Projects like JTattoo offer a ton of themes and provide easy-to-integrate jar and Maven files.

Exception Handling and User Preferences

When meddling with a new L&F, it's necessary to incorporate proper exception handling. Also, consider adding an option for users to select their desired L&F. Do remember to store their choice across sessions.

UIManager and Oracle resources

The UIManager class is your access pass to Java's treasure chest of L&F options. Simultaneously, Oracle provides resources and tools to tweak L&F and curate an immaculate UI story.

WebLAF is a wholesome L&F option for Swing integration, available under GPLv3 and commercial licenses on GitHub. A bouquet of options awaits - make the best of them!