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Java equivalent to #region in C#

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Jul 22, 2024

Java doesn't have a #region directive like C#. However, we can achieve a similar result using IDE code folding. For instance, IntelliJ IDEA supports //<editor-fold> tags, and Eclipse leverages //region comments. You can collapse or expand code visually in the editor using these tags, without impacting the execution.

IntelliJ IDEA example:

//<editor-fold desc="This is not the method you're looking for"> public void jediTricks() { // You can go about your business } //</editor-fold>

Eclipse example:

//region Here be dragons! public void slayer() { // Not today, dragon! } //endregion

Keep in mind, this is for readability only and doesn't affect execution. Use sparingly to avoid clutter and confusion.

Fast-track with IDE shortcuts

In JetBrains IDEA, streamline your development with the surround with feature, which can be triggered using the hotkey sequence ctrl + alt + T

//select code block // ctrl + alt + T -> choose "region...endregion" from popup

For NetBeans, they use the //<editor-fold> construct:

//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Who let the dogs out?"> public void bark() { // Woof, woof, woof, woof! } //</editor-fold>

Remember, avoid leaving blank lines after these tags to ensure the sections fold properly. Always make good use of the desc attributes for better code description.

Integrating code regions in other IDEs

Android Studio pulls a lot from IntelliJ. It also supports region folding with // region.

If you're using Eclipse, the path is a tad longer. Eclipse doesn't natively support #region. But, we can mimic the functionality with plugins like the CoffeeScript plugin for code folding.

Personalising conventions for readability

Going the extra mile with custom naming conventions can enhance readability. It allows you to easily recognise the purpose of each region.

// region PublicAPI // Futuristic public methods // endregion // region InternalHelpers // Nobody should see these hidden treasures. // endregion

Advancing with IDE extensions

For those working with IDEs with no native support for code folding, there's no cause for concern. You can explore IDE-specific extensions or plugins that can provide similar functionalities.

Efficient code organisation techniques

In addition to IDE code folding, explore IDE features like code outlines or minimaps that provide a holistic view of your code, making it easier to navigate within your files.