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Is there a way to check if geolocation has been DECLINED with Javascript?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Jan 17, 2025
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( success => /* When you find yourself, console squeals in joy */ console.log('Access granted, we found you!', position), ({code}) => /* When the user declines, console cries in ASCII */ code == 1 && console.log('Access denied. We\'re lost without you!') );

That's a fast one-liner to fire navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() and check for user's consent on geolocation.

Understanding user permission states

Users are in control. Their reaction to the geolocation prompt can be categorized into three states:

  1. Prompt: User is yet to respond. Keep it cool, don't rush them.
  2. Granted: User granted permission. Cheers! Proceed with location-based features.
  3. Denied: User said no. Respect the choice and plan your next steps:
    • Ask again later, but don't get too annoying.
    • Offer a manual option to input their location.
    • Perhaps resort to IP-based geolocation (bear in mind, this may not be accurate).

Keep user privacy and experience at the heart of your design.

Advanced handling of geolocation permission

While an earlier method using an error.code check works for most cases, if you're looking for a more sophisticated approach, follow these steps:

  • Leverage navigator.permissions.query({name: 'geolocation'}). This powerful tool returns a PermissionStatus object, which can be tamed with async/await pattern.

  • In case you're dealing with slow or old horses (a.k.a slow or stale location data). Leash them with maximumAge and timeout options in getCurrentPosition.

async function checkGeolocationPermission() { try { const {state} = await navigator.permissions.query({name: 'geolocation'}); // Respond according to the state: 'prompt', 'granted', or 'denied' console.log('Permission state:', state); } catch (error) { // In case the horse is too wild (API not supported) console.log('Sorry, your browser is too cool for the Permissions API!'); } }

Detailed analysis of error callbacks and PermissionStatus

Both error callbacks and the Permissions API have their strengths. Let's compare them:

  • Error callbacks:
    • Using error.code or error.PERMISSION_DENIED helps identify when a user explicitly denies access.
    • Control stale or late responses with maximumAge and timeout.
  • PermissionStatus:
    • Simplifies detecting the current permission state.
    • Avoids repeatedly alarming the user with prompts.
    • Programmatically react to permission changes using onchange event handlers on the PermissionStatus object.

Ensure your fancy code is compatible with the audience's browser of choice!

User experience and seamless transition

Even with denial of geolocation, ensure your application still shines with stellar UX:

  • Give clear narratives about why location clairvoyance matters.
  • Propose effective fallback methods like manual location entry.
  • Respect user privacy decisions, sneaky prompts are as welcome as a pop-up ad!

Keep user satisfaction as your north star in the journey of ethical data usage.

Browser Compatibility Concerns

To provide a consistent user experience across different browsers:

  • Use feature detection libraries like Modernizr to ensure your users' browsers support critical features.
  • Implement a "graceful degradation" strategy for older browsers.
  • Stay updated with your console warnings for any deprecated methods.

Your success lies in adapting your application based on available capabilities in a given environment.