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Is it safe to use Project Lombok?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 17, 2024

Yes, Project Lombok is safe to use. This tool injects getters, setters, and other helpers at compile-time to minimize boilerplate code. However, it's wise to consider IDE compatibility and note how Lombok can mask the source code during debugging.

@Data // Lombok: "Please, allow me... public class User { private String name; private String email; }

The @Data annotation is like a multi-tool, bundling getter, setter, equals, hashCode, and toString functions for all declared fields.

Lombok adoption considerations

In the spirit of conducting a fair technical audit, we'll consider factors like:

  • Lifecycle: Stay reassured as Lombok is actively maintained and compatible with JDK10 and JDK11, underlining a high level of commitment to improvements.
  • Readability: Despite reducing clutter, it may pose refactoring challenges and complicate understanding auto-generated methods.
  • Alternatives: For creating immutable objects, consider record keyword in Java instead of @Value.
  • Approvals: Garner stakeholder approval before introducing Lombok into your project.
  • IDE Compatibility: Check the plugin requirements for your IDE and be ready to handle possible disruptions post updates.
  • Code Clarity: @Getter and @Setter annotations help to indicate method functionality.
  • Usage Flexibility: Make the best use of Lombok's configuration options to control its usage fitting to project guidelines.

Effective management of Lombok projects

Mindful adoption

Although Lombok makes coding a breeze, be aware it's addictive. The learning curve could pose challenges when using Java without Lombok.

Integration strategies

Remember that Lombok is a tool, not a crutch. If seeking to remove Lombok dependencies, the Delombok feature is your friend. While using Lombok, be vigilant of method visibility changes that might pass unnoticed.

Code clarity vs hidden functionality

Forgoing verbosity with Lombok's Builder pattern can make the code elegant, but also complex. While it can simplify code, hidden methods might affect IDE utility. Ensure method delegation is explicitly noted.

Exploring alternatives

Kotlin, with its naturally concise syntax, can be an alternative if you're hesitant to adopt Lombok. But if Lombok's features seem restricting, never undervalue good ol' handcrafted code.