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Identity_insert is set to OFF - How to turn it ON?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 13, 2024

To insert explicit values into an identity column, turn on IDENTITY_INSERT:


Replace YourTable with your actual table's name. After executing the inserts, ensure to switch IDENTITY_INSERT off:


Note that you can only have IDENTITY_INSERT on for one table at a time per session. Also, make sure you have the correct permissions to use this statement.


IDENTITY_INSERT gives you override ability when working with auto-incrementing primary keys. It allows you to insert explicit identity values into the identity column of a table, which can be incredibly useful during processes such as data migration or maintaining historical IDs.

Best cases for IDENTITY_INSERT usage

IDENTITY_INSERT proves valuable when:

  • Migrating or restoring data with the necessity to keep the original IDs.
  • Precisely inserting legacy data with specific ID values.

Sequence to success

Follow these four steps to avert errors when working with IDENTITY_INSERT:

  1. Wrap your insert statement with SET IDENTITY_INSERT YourTable ON/OFF.
  2. Avoid any GO statements; keep settings bundled in a single batch.
  3. Use the correct table name within the statement.
  4. Always switch OFF IDENTITY_INSERT when done.

Permission check & Test Run

Before you move ahead, don’t forget to:

  • Inspect user permissions – it should ideally be db_owner or db_ddladmin.
  • Run a test – insert a row without activating IDENTITY_INSERT to confirm the auto-increment behavior of the column.

Essential tips and troubleshooting

When dealing with IDENTITY_INSERT, it pays to be mindful of these practices and potential issues:

Best practices

  • Bundle up! – Encapsulate the IDENTITY_INSERT within a stored procedure for a smoother ride.
  • Check settings – Keep an eye on the settings of ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER for error-free stored procedure execution.
  • Plan it out – Use a dedicated procedure for complex data insertions with IDENTITY_INSERT.

Tricky bits to look out for

  • Patience, my friend!IDENTITY_INSERT works with one table at a time. So, no juggling!
  • Off on vacation – Always turn IDENTITY_INSERT OFF after you're done to avoid any unexpected behavior.
  • Respect the natives – Make sure the manually inserted ID values don't clash with the increment settings of your table.

It’s all about being mindful and managing your IDENTITY_INSERT use efficiently.

Practical scenarios to get you going

Here are a few practical scenarios that illustrate when and how IDENTITY_INSERT is used:

Scenario 1: Data migration express

Moving data and want to keep those IDs intact? Here's your method:

BEGIN TRANSACTION; SET IDENTITY_INSERT new_db.dbo.new_table ON; INSERT INTO new_db.dbo.new_table (ID_col, ...) SELECT ID_col, ... FROM old_db.dbo.old_table; SET IDENTITY_INSERT new_db.dbo.new_table OFF; COMMIT TRANSACTION;

Scenario 2: Legacy system integration

Integrating old with new? Keep records arranged with preserved IDs:

SET IDENTITY_INSERT integrated_table ON; -- Let's repay some old debts 🧓 INSERT INTO integrated_table (ID_col, ...) VALUES (legacy_system_id, ...); SET IDENTITY_INSERT integrated_table OFF;