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How to store arbitrary data for some HTML tags

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 17, 2024

To quickly store arbitrary data in an HTML tag, use HTML5's data-* attributes. Assign any custom data like this: data-detail="info" directly in your HTML tag.


<div id="infoDiv" data-name="Alice" data-age="30"></div>

Retrieve the data with JavaScript:

let info = document.querySelector('#infoDiv').dataset; // "dataset", it's a set of data, not a workout routine! console.log(info.name); // "Alice": See, even JavaScript knows your name! console.log(info.age); // "30": Don't worry, JavaScript keeps secrets!

Consider server-side generation of data attributes for increased reliability and extensibility.

For JavaScript interaction with data, you might just fall in love with jQuery’s .data() methods:

$('#infoDiv').data('role', 'admin'); console.log($('#infoDiv').data('role')); // "admin": Not 'admax', thank you autocorrect!

Sorry, href and custom JavaScript objects, you're not invited to this party! They can make your code messy and harder to maintain.

Best practices for storing data in HTML

Using JSON for structured data

For complex or structured data, JSON is your new best friend.

<script type="application/ld+json"> { "context": "http://schema.org", "type": "Person", "name": "Alice", "jobTitle": "Developer" } </script>

Retrieve the JSON data safely without eval(), which can turn into a security hole big enough to drive a truck through:

let rawData = document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]').textContent; let jsonData = JSON.parse(rawData); // "Parse" raw data, not "parsec" you sci-fi fans! console.log(jsonData.name); // "Alice": JSON knows you too!

Using JavaScript properties

When data-* attributes won’t cut it, JavaScript properties could come to your rescue:

let infoDiv = document.getElementById('infoDiv'); infoDiv.customData = { name: "Alice", age: 30 }; console.log(infoDiv.customData.name); // "Alice": Busted! There's no hiding from JavaScript.

It's worth noting that using JavaScript properties for data storage is more like hidden compartments in a car - handy for internal use, but might not be the best idea for showing off your ride.

The trade-offs

Each of these storage methods comes with its own set of pros and cons:

  • data-* attributes: Highly versatile and standard. Could bloat HTML if overused.
  • JSON: Ideal for structured data. Ensure proper validation and formatting for smooth retrieval.
  • JavaScript properties: Simple to use but less maintainable as it's separated from the HTML.

Cross-browser compatibility

While data-* attributes are supported in most modern browsers, their usage in XHTML mode could be misleading as they might get ignored. Always test your code across various browsers and document types.

Keeping your data accessible is important. Note that crucial data mustn't only be readable by JavaScript as this could create accessibility issues.

Stay organized! Avoid clutter by grouping related data attributes together.