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How to modify the fill color of an SVG image when being served as background image?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 11, 2024

To modify the fill color of an SVG served as a background image, embed the SVG code directly into the CSS url function:

<div style="background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=&quot;http://www.w3.org/2000/svg&quot;><rect fill=&quot;#HEX_COLOR&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;100%&quot;/></svg>');"></div>

Simply replace #HEX_COLOR with your color of choice. This keeps JavaScript out of the picture and empowers you to style SVGs as a CSS background-image. Ensure you URL encode the SVG data before usage.

Mastering SVG color control with CSS

Harnessing CSS masks and filters

Use CSS masks to alter the color of shapes inside a background SVG. This technique is equivalent to casting a colored spotlight on the SVG. Cast your spotlight with the appropriate color!

Furthermore, level up your color transformation by applying CSS filters such as sepia, hue-rotate, brightness, and saturation:

.element-with-svg-background { -webkit-mask-image: url('path/to/your.svg'); /* Mask-in, fashionably late! */ mask-image: url('path/to/your.svg'); background-color: red; /* Apply background color */ filter: hue-rotate(90deg); /* Spin the color wheel */ }

Embedding SVG with data URI

For finer control, you can even embed the SVG directly within your CSS using a data URI. Now that, is some real Inception-level hacking:

@mixin svg-background($color) { background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><rect fill="#{$color}" width="100%" height="100%"/></svg>'); /* Color INSIDE the SVG! */ } .element { @include svg-background(#ff0000); /* Paint it red! */ }

Server-side dynamic SVGs

If you operate on a larger scale, consider serving SVGs with a server-side script that customizes color based on GET parameters. It allows you to have a dynamically controlled color palette, much like a chameleon.

https://example.com/icon.svg?color=ff0000 /* Now serving: Red SVGs */

Mastering layering with z-index

Position your SVGs absolutely and manipulate the z-index parameter to gain complete control over SVG layering:

.svg-background { position: absolute; z-index: 1; /* "I'll take the bottom bunk" */ } .another-element { z-index: 2; /*"Top bunk for me! No smelly feet in my face." */ }


Consider this illustration of applying a new layer behind the SVG akin to a colored filter:

Initial 🧴: Transparent and uncolored SVG Sticker 🏷️: SVG image with default color

Adding a colored layer 🏷️:

🧴 + 🔵🏷️ = 🧴 with Blue-tinted SVG

You can think of this trick like adding a colored ::before pseudo-element behind your SVG, mirroring a change in color fill.

Understanding browser compatibility

One important caveat is that browser compatibility can be a party-pooper. Not all methods work universally across browsers, drown your sorrows on CanIuse.

Playing with unique URL outputs

Make each URL output a unique SVG color based on the GET parameters input.

Animating SVG colors

Make your SVGs dynamic by adding CSS keyframes and transitions. CSS can turn your dull image into a party!

Learning from resources and tutorials

Don't forget to explore outside. There is a sea of knowledge available on SVG color modification that could provide you insights and best-practices that could elevate your SVG manipulation prowess!