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How to get the entire document HTML as a string?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Jan 17, 2025

Stretch your fingers and get ready to retrieve the complete HTML of a page with document.documentElement.outerHTML, transforming the whole structure into a single string:

// Oh snap, the entire HTML in one line! let htmlString = document.documentElement.outerHTML;

Should you desire a string, inclusive of the DOCTYPE, let's summon document.doctype into our equations as follows:

// Adding some gravitas with Doctype! let doctype = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document.doctype); let completeHTML = doctype + "\n" + document.documentElement.outerHTML;

Voila! You obtained a fully comprehensive representation of your document's HTML.

Making sense of the HTML string

Your browser sees the HTML document as a DOM tree, a living, breathing structure where elements rise, shine, and go away. But when we call document.documentElement.outerHTML, we cast a petrifying spell, freezing it into a static string.

const htmlFrozenInTime = document.documentElement.outerHTML;

Exploring the XMLSerializer

Let's take a brief detour into XMLSerializer. This nifty object can serialize our DOM tree into a string, including exotic inhabitants like SVG and MathML.

let serializer = new XMLSerializer(); let htmlStringInTechnicolor = serializer.serializeToString(document);

Preserving the DOCTYPE

Maintaining the doctype declaration is crucial. It subtly informs our browser whether to opt for quirks mode or the more desirable standards mode.

// DOC, Don't Leave Me This Way! let doctypeStr = document.doctype ? new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document.doctype) : ''; let htmlPreservingItsRoots = doctypeStr + document.documentElement.outerHTML;

This way, your string will offer the doctype along with the full HTML document.

Gauge your Browser

Gearshifts in technology are constant; ensure your outerHTML and XMLSerializer methods are supported in your browser of choice by consulting guides like MDN or CanIUse.

Common Pitfalls

Unfortunately, our snapshot isn't perfect. The frosted HTML won't reflect the dynamic interactions. Here are some common culprits:

  • Scripts: They're gossiped about but stay invisible in your HTML string.

  • User Input: It's like stealing an empty safe; your frozen string won't contain any form values or live modifications.

Web-Scraping: A cautionary tale

Our HTML string can serve as raw material for web scraping. But remember, scraping must not trespass privacy laws or website terms. Always scrape with integrity!

Debugging with Alert pop-ups

Remember the pop quizzes? Alert boxes bring the same surprise element to debugging. Let's make our browser spill the beans:

// Spill the tea, browser! alert(document.documentElement.outerHTML);

This can turn JavaScript into a chatty Tell-A-Tale, illuminating the recesses of your HTML document.