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How to dockerize a maven project? and how many ways to accomplish it?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 3, 2024

To dockerize your Maven project directly, create a Dockerfile that initiates with a Maven base image to build your application and a Java base image to run it. Here's a quick script utilizing multi-stage builds for a light-weight Docker image.

FROM maven:3.6.3-jdk-11 AS build COPY . /app WORKDIR /app RUN mvn clean package FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim COPY --from=build /app/target/*.jar /app.jar CMD ["java", "-jar", "/app.jar"]

This fundamentally refreshes your code in the build stage and then creates the runtime image, leading to a minimized and efficient Docker image.

Enhancing Docker builds: Tips and Tricks

Maven dependency caching with Docker BuildKit

(Tip#101) Being a developer, we all hate waiting for our code to compile. Docker BuildKit can be a saviour to cache Maven dependencies which will help speed up your Docker builds. Just remember to feed your hamster (CPU) before initiating BuildKit!

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build .

Don't forget the .dockerignore file to ignore irrelevant files and directories being sent over to the Docker context while building the image.

Manage dependencies effectively with Nexus

Fewer dependencies, less headache, huh? That's a myth in the developer's universe! But linking your Maven settings.xml file to a repository manager like Nexus can simplify the dependency management for bigger projects.

Jib: Dockerizing without Dockerfile

Give your Dockerfile some rest! Use Jib, a Maven plugin which constructs Docker images without a Dockerfile. Jib loves the Maven's build lifecycle and merges well within it, simplifying the image creation process.

Choosing the right Java base image

Eclipse Temurin Java base images are safe homes for your Docker applications. They are secure, certified, and popular Docker base images to kickstart your Docker journey.

Scaling with Kubernetes

When your application dreams bigger, Kubernetes is the ladder to let it scale. And while you're enjoying the scalability, do not forget to use its fun features like ConfigMaps, Secrets, and persistent storage.

Advanced Dockerization tactics

Opt for CentOS-based images or JVM-specific for unique requirements

The right base image is like Cinderella's glass slipper for your Maven app- it just has to fit perfectly! If Eclipse images are not your shoe size, try on CentOS-based images, or those coupled with a particular JVM.

Creating a Fat JAR

To make Docker's life easier, especially for non-Spring Boot applications, create a "Fat JAR". This JAR will know how to live independently with all its dependencies (& also, it hates being called FAT!).

Smooth sailing Docker builds with Maven plugin integration

Do your Docker builds feel like hitting a pothole every other second? Try seamlessly integrating Docker with your Maven lifecycle using Maven plugin to avoid discomfort.

Creating an agile Docker environment with continuous deployment

Once your Docker image grows up and is perfect, it's time for it to leave the nest. Push them to a Docker registry for easier distribution and deployment across environments.