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How do I make the method return type generic?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 4, 2024

Extend your methods' versatility with generic type parameters for your return types:

public <T> T transform(T data) { return data; }

Tell the method the type it should return:

String str = transform("text"); // This will return a String Integer num = transform(123); // This will return an Integer

In this scenario, the compiler determines T based on the passed argument, providing type safety and flexibility.

Comprehensive guide to generic return types

Bounding your generics

To specifically dictate your return to a certain class or its subclasses, use bounded type parameters:

public <T extends Number> T numericTransform(T data) { // operate on numeric types here }

This ensures you'll always get a Number type, providing an extra layer of compile-time safety.

Runtime control with Class parameters

To gain control over the return type at runtime, include a Class object as a parameter:

public <T> T create(Class<T> clazz) { return clazz.cast( /* Instantiate an object here, you magician you */ ); }

The type.cast() function allows for a safe cast to T, avoiding unchecked warnings and ClassCastException surprises.

The signature matters! don't forget subclasses

Give a clear generic signature when defining your method:

public interface Transformer { <T> T transform(T input); }

Subclasses can implement this in a type-safe way:

public class StringTransformer implements Transformer { @Override public String transform(String input) { // Strings only, no numbers allowed! 🚫 } }

A combination of these techniques helps us maintain clean and safe code by avoiding excessive type casting!

A friend with all benefits: typesafe containers

Often when we're dealing with collections, we introduce the risk of ClassCastException. A typesafe heterogeneous container can come to the rescue:

public class BagOfTricks { private Map<Class<?>, Object> bag = new HashMap<>(); public <T> void addTrick(Class<T> type, T instance) { bag.put(type, instance); } public <T> T getTrick(Class<T> type) { return type.cast(bag.get(type)); } }

Use type.cast() to avoid unsafe casts and ClassCastException exceptions.

All-around solutions in design

Shoutout to method overloading!

You might not always need to use generics, method overloading can sometimes offer a more clear and type-safe solution:

public Dog getDog() { return new Dog(); // Who let the dogs out? This method did! } public Cat getCat() { return new Cat(); // Purrfect for cat people }

In such cases, method calls are transparent about their return types, offering clarity at the cost of generic-ness.