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How can I keep consistent line height with superscript elements?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Jan 7, 2025

The shortest way is setting the sup CSS to vertical-align: sub; bottom: 0.25em;. This tweak prevents disruption of line height caused by superscript, thus, it maintains uniformity across lines.

sup { vertical-align: sub; bottom: 0.25em; /* Because we like well-behaving superscripts */ }
<p>Text with consistent line height<sup>123</sup>.</p> /* Who would've thought? */

Diverse CSS techniques for consistent superscripts

Let's deep dive into multiple strategic and tactical techniques that help you combat the superscript disruption in line height.

Override the default with custom CSS

The default browser styles for superscript may not be the best choice. Gain better control over your design:

  • Use vertical-align: text-top; to align the top of the superscript with the parent element's font.
  • Apply font-size: smaller; or certain em amount to size down the superscript.

Defeat line height anomalies

Browsers and font types can sometimes be the villains, causing line height irregularities:

  • Declare line-height: 1.8; in paragraphs incorporating superscripts to achieve uniformity.
  • To nullify the line height of the superscript itself, apply sup { line-height: 0; }.

Placement and sizing maneuvers

Adjusting the superscript's placement and size can produce seamless results:

  • Utilize position: relative; and top: -0.2em; to move the superscript slightly upwards, without ruining the line height.
  • Cross-browser consistency can be achieved with font-size: 0.83em; and vertical-align: super;.
  • Tweak the top property (in 0.2em increments) to fine-tune the superscript's spot.

Advocate for cross-browser compatibility

Make sure each and every user, no matter their browser choice, sees your content the way you intended:

  • Run your pages through browsers as diverse as IE 6+ to modern ones.
  • Harness the power of tools like BrowserStack for the task.

Supplementary considerations for styling

Adopt these additional tips while dealing with superscript for the best results:

Balancing act: Superscript vs subscript

Maintain visual harmony between superscript and subscript elements:

  • Adopt similar styling to <sub> elements for cohesion.
  • Try vertical-align: bottom; to consistently align subscripts with the baseline.

Introducing <code> for inline code samples

For displaying code snippets with HTML:

  • Utilize the <code> tag, maintaining semantic accuracy and distinct styling.
  • Apply additional CSS to <code> elements for consistent line height with superscripts.

Aesthetics affect readability

While superscripts can add nuance to your text, always prioritize readability:

  • Avoid excessive font size reduction, as it can harm readability.
  • Strive for a seamless integration of superscripts for professional and accessible visuals.