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How can I get column names from a table in SQL Server?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 12, 2024

To retrieve column names from a SQL Server table, execute this:


Replace 'YourTableName' with your specific table name.

When handling multiple schemas, specify the TABLE_SCHEMA too:


Advanced options for metadata navigation

Views for extensive metadata

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS view provides column names and wide-ranging metadata, including data types, nullability, and defaults. Linking with other INFORMATION_SCHEMA views enables a more detailed view:

-- Who doesn't love pasta? Your tables are the pasta, the rest is the sauce. SELECT t.TABLE_NAME, -- The pasta 🍝 c.COLUMN_NAME, -- The ingredients 🧄🍅🧀 c.DATA_TYPE, -- Is it penne or spaghetti? c.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, -- How long is this spaghetti? c.IS_NULLABLE, -- Are we missing any ingredients? k.CONSTRAINT_NAME, -- Sauce constraints (No sugar in Bolognese!) k.COLUMN_NAME as CONSTRAINT_COLUMN, -- The crucial ingredient p.PERMISSION_TYPE -- Who can cook this pasta? FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES t ON c.TABLE_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME LEFT JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE k ON c.TABLE_NAME = k.TABLE_NAME AND c.COLUMN_NAME = k.COLUMN_NAME LEFT JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_PRIVILEGES p ON c.TABLE_NAME = p.TABLE_NAME AND c.COLUMN_NAME = p.COLUMN_NAME WHERE c.TABLE_NAME = 'YourTableName';

Deep dive into the system catalog with sys objects

With system catalog sys objects, such as sys.columns, you can have a deeper look at your data by utilizing OBJECT_ID:

-- You've taken the red pill, prepared for a deep dive? 🚀 SELECT col.name AS ColumnName, typ.name AS DataType, col.max_length AS MaxLength, col.precision, col.scale, col.is_nullable AS IsNullable, obj.name AS TableName FROM sys.columns col JOIN sys.types typ ON col.user_type_id = typ.user_type_id -- Onboard our types JOIN sys.objects obj ON col.object_id = obj.object_id -- Unite with objectives WHERE obj.type = 'U' -- Jump only for user tables, sorry system tables. AND obj.name = 'YourTableName' ORDER BY obj.name, col.column_id; -- Organizing for the green Matrix code waterfall. 🟢

Traditionally with stored procedures

Detailed column information

Think of sp_columns and sp_help as the classic encyclopedia for the SQL Server, providing a wealth of information:

-- Knock, knock... Who's there? It's 'sp_help'! EXEC sp_help 'YourTableName'; -- Wait, there's more... It's 'sp_columns'! EXEC sp_columns 'YourTableName';

Cutting-edge tricks

For quick access, in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), you have the silver bullet: Select a table, press ALT + F1, and sp_help will bring all the metadata to you.

Recognizing user-defined types and views

-- We ore not just about tables. We care about views and types too! SELECT DOMAIN_NAME AS TypeName, -- The name is... DOMAIN_DEFAULT AS DefaultValue, -- The default is... DATA_TYPE AS DataType -- Oh, the type is... FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAINS -- We have so many domains... WHERE DOMAIN_NAME = 'YourTypeName'; -- Yet, we care about this one SELECT vcu.VIEW_NAME, vcu.COLUMN_NAME, vt.VIEW_DEFINITION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE vcu -- Top secret view! JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS vt ON vcu.VIEW_NAME = vt.TABLE_NAME -- Our officers joining on a mission WHERE vcu.VIEW_NAME = 'YourViewName'; -- This is the view we're looking for. Bring the popcorn! 🍿