How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Python?
Line continuation in Python is accomplished with a backslash (\
) signifying a line continuation:
Alternatively, leverage parentheses (()
) or brackets ([]
) to achieve implicit line continuation:
These methods promote readability and align with PEP 8 recommendations.
Deep dive into Python's line continuation
Implicit beats explicit
When dealing with multi-line expressions, it's often more readable to use parentheses for implicit line continuation:
This approach avoids the risk of a syntax error when an inadvertent whitespace is left after the backslash (\
Handle backslashes with care
While a backslash (\
) gives you an explicit way to split a line, ensure there is no whitespace after it:
Although valid, this explicit method is less popular due to its susceptibility to bugs caused by an extra whitespace and readability issues.
Math to the rescue
Breaking lines before binary operators in line with traditional mathematical conventions (thanks Knuth!) enhances clarity. Remember, clear > clever in the programming world:
Don't break the code
It's crucial to ensure line continuation doesn't disrupt the intended functionality of your code.
Strategies for edge cases and maintaining style guide alignment
Smooth operator
Aim for consistency, particularly around operators in line continuation, to uphold local readability:
When in Rome
While PEP 8 is great, remember to follow the local coding style for operator placement if it deviates for reasons like backward compatibility or team preference.
Run away from backslashes
Avoid unnecessary backslashes. Opt for implicit line continuation methods with parentheses, brackets, or curly braces:
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