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Extracting extension from filename in Python

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 8, 2024

To fetch a file's extension in Python, employ os.path.splitext(). This built-in function divides the filename at the final period, yielding a tuple where the second element encapsulates the extension with its preceding dot. Observe this illustrative code snippet:

from os.path import splitext extension = splitext("example.txt")[1] print(extension) # Outputs: .txt

This single line of code is compact yet powerfully uncovers the lurking file extension .txt.

Python's Special Agent: os.path.splitext()

At the surface, os.path.splitext seems like another typical Python function. Yet, it's an unsung hero with specialized skills:

  1. No fear of punctuation: Amply prepared for filenames like archive.tar.gz, ensuring an accurate split: ('.archive.tar', '.gz').
  2. Dot-file awareness: Knows that files like .gitignore are dot-files with zero extension, hence cleverly returns: ('', '.gitignore').
  3. Escapes directory dot-traps: When the filename path ambles across directories with periods, os.path.splitext() smoothly bypasses these and only targets the end file component.

Here's a not-so-secret formula to remove the leading dot:

extension = splitext("example.txt")[1][1:] print(extension) # Outputs: txt (the Mysterio of extensions without the domes and drones)

Even when a file extension isn't in the picture, os.path.splitext adeptly manages by supplying an empty string:

filename_no_ext, ext = splitext("README") print(ext) # Outputs: '' (Empty...just like my coffee mug)

This ability to sidestep manual parsing is akin to the Pythonian principle: Simple is better than complex.

Metamorphosis with pathlib

For folks who fancy object-oriented styling, the pathlib module flaunts its .suffix and .stem methods.

from pathlib import Path file_path = Path("example.tar.gz") print(file_path.suffix) # Outputs: .gz print(file_path.stem) # Outputs: example.tar

What's more — pathlib is fluent in dealing with numerous extensions:

print(file_path.suffixes) # Outputs: ['.tar', '.gz']

This functionality makes handling extension-rich files like archive.tar.gz as breezy as an air conditioner in August.

os.path vs pathlib: The Showdown

When to utilize os.path.splitext and when to switch to pathlib?

  • Legacy code or minimal import requirements: Stick to os.path.splitext.
  • Modern best practices: Glide towards pathlib.
  • Working with multiple extensions: pathlib's .suffixes is your navigator.
  • Embracing object-oriented programming: pathlib is your ally.

These choices depend on your coding style, project needs, and environment constraints - they all resonate with Python's "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it" philosophy.

Beware Possible Pitfalls

As you journey through the realm of file manipulation, keep these cautionary notes handy:

  • Dot-file doppelgängers: Dot-files like .gitignore are not tagged with extensions.
  • Multiple-extension mazes: Files like archive.tar.gz present multiple layers that require pathlib's .suffixes for deft handling.
  • Confusing path dots: Directories with periods are potential decoys, but os.path.splitext skillfully evades them.

Armed with the right tools and precautions, you're all set to embark on this enlightening code journey.