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Explaining why 'Just add another column to the DB' is a bad idea, to non programmers

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Dec 25, 2024

When you haphazardly add columns to your database, you end up with redundant data which leads to a slowdown in query speed. This is similar to over-stuffing a suitcase; it becomes heavy, disorganized, and it's hard to locate your items. This scenario calls for database normalization which works just like packing cubes in a suitcase. You neatly organize your identical items (data) in different compartments (tables), linking them with foreign keys.

-- Avoid database obesity: ALTER TABLE Orders ADD customer_address VARCHAR(255); -- This is like eating an extra burger every day, not a good life choice. -- Optimize. Less is more, folks: CREATE TABLE Addresses ( address_id INT PRIMARY KEY, address VARCHAR(255) -- Hey there, potential address fields! ); ALTER TABLE Orders ADD address_id INT REFERENCES Addresses(address_id); -- Making connections, one foreign key at a time.

Normalizing databases reduces waste, increases query speed, and simplifies data upkeep.

Data Bloating: The Silent Performance Killer

Picturing a plain order table for a business. Someone decides to add a remarks column for a single client's special instructions. Later on, another column for delivery window is added for another client. Soon enough, a packaging preference column joins the gang. Sounds easy and client-friendly, right?

Patch-it-up Chronicles

With no standard database structure, you're compelled to create unique patches. Patching each client-specific feature soon becomes pricey and keeps the development team constantly stuck in patch-up mode. This is where a standardized system shines.

A Pep Talk for Your Sales Team on Normalization

Perfect sales come from perfect understanding. The team needs to realize that database normalization isn't a fancy tech feature but a core foundation of a robust and sustainable business. It streamlines implementation and significantly cuts down long-term maintenance costs.

The Magic of Customizable Systems

Instead of allowing wild growth of columns, make room for a system of tables that aid in managing custom fields. This maintains database normalization and cuts costs, while enabling client-specific customizations, hence increasing revenue.

The Murky Waters of Slow Queries

As databases grow, the additional columns contribute to slow data retrieval. It's like getting a paper cut while searching for a receipt in a skyscraper made of paper. Serious paper cut territory.

Balancing Satisfaction vs Database Complexity

Navigate the tightrope between the immediate joy of client-specific customizations and maintaining a scalable and manageable system architecture.

The Tech-To-Non-Tech Translation Handbook

Make the discussion about business outcomes. Emphasize the implications of an irregular system - the hidden costs, potential errors and possible business operation slowdowns.


Imagine your database is a skyscraper: (🏢) and each column is a pillar: (🏗️) sustaining it.

Current Building:

🏢 | 🏗️ 🏗️ 🏗️ |
   | 1  2  3  |

Just adding another column (pillar) without proper planning:

🏢 | 🏗️ 🏗️ 🏗️ 🏗️ | <- New pillar! 🚧
   | 1  2  3  ?  |
   ⚠️ Can the foundation support it? Is it aligned with the building's design? ⚠️


  • More weight (🏋️) on the structure
  • Potential misalignment (👀)
  • Harder future changes (🛠️🚫)

Avoiding Skewed Analytics

Poor database design can strain data analysis, leading to faulty business conclusions. It's like building a puzzle with half the pieces missing.

The Trust Fall

It's essential for non-programmers to trust the developers' expertise in database design, securing the database's strength to support both current and future needs.

The Costly Misstep

Emphasize cost consequences to garner the attention of your non-programmers. Stress that while initial customizations may seem cost-friendly, they often lead to an expensive maze of maintenance down the road.

A Sturdy Data Foundation

A well-normalized database results in lower risk, simpler maintenance, and cheaper long-term expenses. Bargain!