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Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Oct 9, 2024
-- Let's cheat the boss with a wrap party CREATE PROCEDURE CallMyStoredProcedure AS BEGIN -- Don't tell my function I'm here! EXEC MyActualStoredProcedure END

Functions can't execute stored procedures, due to their deterministic nature and no-side-effects policy. To bypass this, put on a disguise as a stored procedure or rendezvous via a table-valued function using OPENROWSET.

-- The KGB agent in the midst CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AccessStoredProcedureData() RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=(local);Trusted_Connection=yes;', 'EXEC MyDatabase.dbo.MyStoredProcedure') )

Beware, OPENROWSET requires ad hoc distributed queries on your SQL Server, possibly restricted by your DBA for a 'no leakage' policy.

Infiltration: SQLCLR

To outsmart the FUNCTION overlords, consider recruiting a CLR-based taskforce with managed code. This contingent called SQLCLR (SQL Common Language Runtime) can execute stored procedures from within user-defined functions, and also provides an access pass to session-based object with the "context connection = true" setting.

Just like in any covert operation, there are unforeseen constraints such as inconsistent execution that could occur during multi-row operation scenarios. The word of caution is to always prioritize security whilst implementing SQLCLR, utilizing the security features like code access security can help minimize the risks.

The Undercover Agent: Dynamic SQL

Our toolkit also contains an alias strategyDynamic SQL within stored procedures. You can emulate function-like behaviours using dynamically executed intelligence:

-- Feeding inside information stealthily CREATE PROCEDURE SimulateFunctionBehavior AS BEGIN -- The chameleon code DECLARE @DynamicSQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @DynamicSQL = N'SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ...' -- Dynamic intel part EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicSQL END

The EXEC() command is the Covert op expert that can execute the dynamically morphed operations, simulating the read-only aspect of a function with the rogue power of a stored procedure. Although Extended Stored Procedures pack a punch, it's best to stay stealth and favor more secure alternatives.

The Operative Directives

SQL Functions are the quiet intelligence hubs delivering core computation outputs. Trying to dress them as the action heroes (Stored Procedures) endangers their design intent, leading to blurred lines between the deterministic and the operational roles.

While these workarounds fundamentally prioritize efficiency & security, tread lightly while navigating the alleys of linked servers and OPENQUERY. They might present unanticipated and significant security exposures.

Remember, even the best operatives work within protocol and understand the implications.