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Django doesn't display newline character when rendering text from database

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 31, 2024

Apply Django's linebreaksbr filter to convert newline characters (\n) to HTML line breaks (<br>):

{{ your_database_text|linebreaksbr }}

This ensures the structure of the text from the database remains intact in your rendered HTML.

However, there might be scenarios where you need more flexibility or control over your text format. In such cases, you may consider the <pre> HTML tag or the CSS white-space property.

Essentials of handling text in HTML and Django

HTML, meet newline... newline, meet HTML

It's essential to understand that newline characters (\n) are not interpreted as line breaks in HTML. They are perceived as whitespace – just like spaces and tabs. This is why text from the database does not render as you expect.

Django's approach to rendering templates

When Django takes a field from your context and populates a variable in your template with it, it does so as plaintext. As a result, any newline characters within the plaintext string are not treated as HTML line breaks.

The magic of Django template filters

Fortunately, Django provides several template filters to help us handle this:

  • linebreaks: Takes plaintext and converts it to HTML. Double newlines (\n\n) are treated as paragraphs, and single newlines (\n) are treated as line breaks.
  • linebreaksbr: Converts all plain text newlines into <br> HTML tags.

In-depth text formatting

Implementing <pre> to preserve formatting

You can use the <pre> tag to maintain all whitespace and line breaks in your text:

<pre>{{ your_database_text }}</pre>

Time to play with white-space CSS property

The white-space property in CSS lets you control treatment of whitespace and line breaks:

.white-space { white-space: pre-wrap; // Preserves whitespace and line wrapping }

You can assign this class to your HTML element to keep the user input formatting:

<div class='white-space'>{{ your_database_text }}</div>

When out-of-the-box isn't good enough... create a custom Django filter

If the inbuilt Django filters don't meet your demand, you can always express your creativity and write your own. A custom filter lets you handle newlines or apply complex formatting as needed.

Key considerations

The role of your database

Verify that your database is configured to correctly store and return newline characters. Some databases may require specific settings for this.

Magic in Django view

Consider handling text manipulations in the Django view before passing them to the template. This may involve replacing newline characters with <br> tags or other HTML elements.

The hard truth of deployment

Finally, consider the context and requirements of your project when deciding the strategy for handling newline characters. Sometimes, a filtrated <br> conversion is enough, while at other times, you may need the precision of <pre> tags or custom formatting.