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Css word-wrapping in div

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Dec 10, 2024

Wrap text inside a div and avoid overflow by setting the CSS property overflow-wrap to break-word:

.div-class { overflow-wrap: break-word; /* This rule is like 'Honey, you're not going to fit...better break up the word' */ }

Implement this rule in your div to enforce the breaking and wrapping of text, even in case of long unbroken strings:

<div class="div-class"> LongWordOrURLthatNeedsToBeWrapped.com /* 'Break, dang it! You're too long!' */ </div>

Combine overflow-wrap with white-space: normal and manage the overflow-x property wisely to maximize text readability and prevent unwanted horizontal scrollbars.

Wrangling unwieldy content

Breaking down uncooperative content

Some content, like URLs or long unbroken strings, refuse to break at the div boundaries. To break their stubbornness, use either overflow-wrap: break-word or word-break: break-all, depending on the level of text break you need.

Maintaining adaptability in responsive design

In responsive layouts, your text needs to be as flexible as a yoga master. To achieve this, apply white-space: normal to let the browser automatically wrap the text based on the div's width, just as a yoga practitioner aligns with the mat's edge.

Nullifying horizontal scroll

To exterminate the unwelcome horizontal scrollbar, ensure overflow-x isn't set to scroll. Adopt the value auto cautiously, as it results in a scrollbar only when there's extra content to be seen.

Ameliorating readability and aesthetics

Welcoming default behaviors

In CSS, default behaviors are like grandma's old recipes — they have stood the test of time and usually provide a decent meal. For natural text wrapping, white-space: normal is grandma's secret sauce.

Judiciously using nowrap

white-space: nowrap is like hot chili peppers, good for specific dishes but not all. Use it only where wrapping isn't required, like navigation menus or label titles.

Adjusting scrollbar presence

If you absolutely must have a scrollbar, overflow-x: auto is more graceful. It's like an unobtrusive butler, appearing only when necessary.

Tips on iterating text wrapping

Code readability for collaborative work

Coding should be a joy, not a hieroglyph decoding session. Make your CSS self-explanatory, helping future maintenance and collaboration, just like tagging dishes at a potluck!

Cross-browser consistency

Ensure your text wrapping action is not a prima donna, behaving differently on different browsers. Perform cross-browser testing to ensure consistency, just like checking a meal is cooked thoroughly!

Resolving CSS conflicts

If text wrapping is acting out, you might have a CSS property conflict backstage. A common scene-stealer is an undiscovered white-space: nowrap lurking somewhere.


Lastly, remember the formula: small tweaks + frequent tests = progress. Involve peers for unbiased view and better problem spotting, like taste testing while cooking!