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Convert string to Python class object?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 8, 2024

Turn a class name in string format into its corresponding class object using built-in functions globals() for current module classes, and getattr() used with an imported module for external classes. Pass the class name as a string and you're good to go.

# Current module class_object = globals()["MyClass"]() # Like magic but without the wand # External module module = __import__('module_name') class_object = getattr(module, "MyClass")() # Borrowing class from the neighbors

Current namespace utilization

With sys.modules[__name__], access the current namespace and get a class from there.

import sys # Importing sys like it's going out of style class MyClass: # Just a lonely class looking for a reference pass class_name = "MyClass" class_object = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], class_name)() # Get class, not claustrophobia

Using eval() with caution

Before using eval(), validate input. It's like inviting strangers to your house, you need to check them first.

def safe_eval(class_str): # Eval in a bulletproof vest if class_str in globals(): return eval(class_str)() else: raise ValueError(f"Class {class_str} is not defined.") # Class gone AWOL # Example usage try: my_obj = safe_eval('MyClass') except ValueError as e: print(e) # Where's Waldo, but for classes

Import modules with style

importlib.import_module() is your best bet for safety and compatibility when dealing with external modules.

from importlib import import_module # Importing modules, not problems module_name = 'my_module' class_name = 'MyClass' module = import_module(module_name) # Safety checking like your life depends on it if hasattr(module, class_name): MyClass = getattr(module, class_name) my_obj = MyClass() # Voila, you've got an object

Handling errors like a pro

Gracefully handle AttributeError and ImportError to prevent class or module related nightmares.

try: MyClass = globals()['NonExistentClass'] except KeyError: print("Class not found in current module.") # Class playing hide and seek. try: MyClass = getattr(module, 'NonExistentClass') except AttributeError: print("Class not found in the specified module.") # Class on a lunch break.

Structured class retrieval, because we mean business

When it comes to class retrieval, methodology matters. Pass both module and class names as arguments to functions for a clean, reusable, and structured way.

def get_class(module_name, class_name): # Who you gonna call? get_class(). module = import_module(module_name) return getattr(module, class_name) # Example usage MyClass = get_class('my_module', 'MyClass') # Get class, not claustrophobia my_obj = MyClass() # Voila, you've got an object.

Security considerations when playing with strings

Working with dynamic execution holds potential security risks. So let's tread on this string-landmine carefully.

The risky business of eval()

While eval() is tempting like a cookie jar, untrusted inputs can lead to a mess. Always validate inputs or use safer alternatives like ast.literal_eval().

Clean those dirty inputs

Input sanitization: not as glamorous as Python slaying, but oh so important. Always sanitize and validate your strings to prevent security vulnerabilities.

Framework-specific importing

Tools like Django's import_string provide secure dynamic importing. So when in Rome (or Django in our case)...

Reflections on Python introspection

Python provides a great tool for introspection, the inspect module. It's like a mirror for your code, reflecting objects in a more controlled and predictable manner.