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Conditionally applying class attributes in React

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Jan 8, 2025
<div className={`base-class ${condition ? 'conditional-class' : ''}`}> Content </div>

Use template literals and ternary operators for dynamic class names in React. The condition is your state or prop that toggles the class addition.

The Ternary Operator in JSX

To preserve readability in JSX, it's highly beneficial to encapsulate a ternary operator within parentheses. It gives fellow developers a clear sight of your render control:

<div className={condition ? 'class-if-true' : 'class-if-false'}> Content </div>

This approach is like putting up a signpost, say "🚸 Code Crosswalk", for others to easily navigate through your conditional rendering.

Cleaner JSX with Logical AND

For situations where you simply need to append a class based on a truthy condition, the logical && operator does wonders:

<div className={`base-class ${condition && 'conditional-class'}`}> Content </div>

Only when condition is truthy will 'conditional-class' be applied. It's like the operator saying, "What's my purpose?" and you reply, "You pass butter." 🍞🧈 Yup, it’s that simple.

Handling Multiple Condition-derived Classes

When dealing with multiple class names based on different conditions, the trick is to concatenate with spaces:

<div className={`base-class ${condition ? 'conditional-class-one' : ''} ${anotherCondition ? 'conditional-class-two' : ''}`}> Content </div>

Remember, putting spaces between class names is like social distancing. It avoids unwanted mixing (read: clashing of styles!)

For Complex Logic: Classname Utilities

For complex scenarios, the clsx library simplifies syntax and boosts performance:

import clsx from 'clsx'; // ... <div className={clsx('base-class', { 'conditional-class-one': condition1, 'conditional-class-two': condition2, // You can add more conditions. It's like a buffet, but easier on your waistline. })}> Content </div>

Alignment and Spacing Class

Sometimes you might want to conditionally apply aligning classes like pull-right:

<div className={`base-class ${condition ? 'pull-right' : ''}`}> Content </div>

Our pull-right class is like the last kid picked in a soccer game. Except instead of kicking a ball, it's aligning your components.

Key Checks

  • Ensure condition accurately returns boolean values.
  • Avoid the "Schrodinger's cat" scenario of ambiguous classes like 'show' and 'hidden'.
  • Weigh in on whether a default class for visibility is needed or conditional rendering suffices.

Save Classnames for Frequent Use

In cases where classname logic is reused, it’s good to precalculate the classname:

const computedClassName = `base-class ${condition ? 'conditional-class' : ''}`; // ... <div className={computedClassName}> Content </div>

It's like preordering your favorite coffee; by the time you need it, it's hot and ready.

Direct Props to Classnames

If a prop directly corresponds to a class name, you can leverage this streamlined syntax:

<div className={`base-class ${this.props.isActive && 'active'}`}> Content </div>

This method assumes isActive toggles the 'active' class. It’s like referring to Batman when you see the Bat-Signal. 🦇💡

ES6 Compatibility

Remember, template strings need to be configured for browser compatibility with a transpiler like Babel.