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Can an iframe only show a certain part of the page?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 11, 2024

To display a specified section of a page within an iframe, employ a container with hidden overflow, and apply negative margins to that iframe. The following is a code snippet showcasing a view area of 300x200px positioned at 100px from the top and 50px from the left of the targeted site:

<div style="overflow: hidden; width: 300px; height: 200px;"> <!-- Here we are shifting the future in just one line of code ;) --> <iframe src="https://example.com" style="margin-top: -100px; margin-left: -50px; width: 600px; height: 400px;" scrolling="no"></iframe> </div>

Just optimize the margin-top and margin-left to pinpoint the desired section of the page you wish to frame.

Optimum iframe cropping and alternatives

Precise div overlays

Instead of an iframe, a div can be utilized to load certain segments of a page:

$('#yourDiv').load('https://example.com #specificSection');

Here the jQuery load() function is used to fetch a particular part of a HTML page by referencing the element's ID. Replace #specificSection with the correct ID of your target content.

Server-side ease

With server-side management rights, you can simplify the process to send only the required portion of an iframe. This method yields better performance, transmitting and rendering only the relevant details.

CSS overflow and positioning for precision

With the help of CSS properties like overflow, position, and clip or clip-path, you can finally get to view that desired section within a main div.

Providing resize options and dynamic interaction

Adding -webkit-resize, -moz-resize, and resize properties grants your users the ability to adjust the display size. Nested divs coupled with advanced CSS empower you with additional control over appearance and overall integration of the iframe within the webpage.

Adding flexibility and responsiveness to iframe displays

Enable dynamic view options

Enhance the user experience by adapting the iframe to changes in screen sizes. This practice guarantees an apposite display across all devices. You may use CSS media queries to achieve this.

Empower user resizing

Provide users the ability to resize the iframe. The CSS resize attribute combined with overflow:scroll, grants the user both interactivity and a degree of flexibility.

Ensuring the contextual integrity

While restricting visibility to a fraction of a page, it is critical to maintain the fidelity of both the content and its functionality. Always test across diverse scenarios to ensure the user can interact effectively.