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Zoom to fit: PDF Embedded in HTML

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 25, 2024

To display a PDF at full width in your HTML, add #view=Fit at the end of your PDF URL as shown in the object tag below:

<object data="file.pdf#view=Fit" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%"></object>

Replace file.pdf with the path to your PDF file, and voila!—the document scales to the best fit. For universal compatibility across browsers, consider using PDF.js.

The #view=Fit parameter works like a charm in most cases, but remember, browsers can sometimes march to the beat of their own drums. Chrome's built-in PDF viewer may not dance in step with Adobe's. To keep everyone in sync, opt for a JavaScript library like PDF.js. This nifty tool can render the PDF uniformly across all platforms.

Making sense of multiple display parameters

The key is to treat your PDF parameters as a buffet — pick and choose according to your needs. Add a # before each parameter rather than an &. This activates the respective view settings, such as #view=FitV to fit the PDF to the height of the container. Just bear in mind that each browser can interpret these parameters in its own unique manner.

Utilizing HTML tags for PDF embedding

Using the embed or iframe tags allow for flexible embedding, each having their own type attributes. Design CSS styling to ensure your iframe or object tag molds perfectly to the container, like clay in the hands of a master potter:

<iframe src="file.pdf#view=Fit" style="width:100%; height:100%;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

But it doesn't stop there- wrapper divs can work wonders in managing styling without compromising functionality.

<div style="width: 575px; height: 500px;"> <object data="file.pdf#view=Fit" type="application/pdf"></object> </div>

Angular in PDF embedding: Friends or foes?

Angular's got your back! ng2-pdf-viewer, an Angular component, makes handling PDF files served via APIs or base64 URLs easy as pie. What's more, it can conveniently handle PDF files as BlobURLs for secure, authorized APIs, or dynamically generated PDF files.

User-activated PDF display

Why load a PDF before it's needed? Save those precious milliseconds by displaying PDF content on user action, such as a simple button click. The hidden iframe or object can be revealed like a rabbit out of a hat using JavaScript or Angular's binding syntax:

<iframe id="pdfViewer" style="display:none;" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe> <button onclick="document.getElementById('pdfViewer').style.display='block';"> View PDF </button>

Tailoring the PDF view with URL parameters

PDF display can be dressed up or dressed down using different URL parameters. Adding #toolbar=0 and #navpanes=0 provides a more stream-lined, distraction-free viewing space.

Tackling positioning with CSS

iframe positioning giving you grief? Try absolute positioning for the win:

.iframe-container iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

This snippet allows you to break free from the shackles of the natural flow, maximizing the PDF display without messing up your webpage's feng shui.

Handling challenges and solutions

System errors raining on your confidence?

System errors could be the rain on your embedding parade. Check the file path, server permissions, and if needed, consult your friendly neighborhood IT person. Ensure that CORS policies aren't shouting "back off!" to your PDF.

Dealing with sensitivity: Blob Conversion

If your PDFs often contain sensitive data, consider converting them into a Blob. BlobURLs add an extra layer of privacy and viewer control.

const blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'application/pdf' }); const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); document.getElementById('pdfViewer').src = blobUrl;

Who knew blobs could be so useful?

Different frames, same story

You might want to embed PDFs in various frame sizes and aspect ratios. Fret not! CSS media queries and dynamic styling can make the PDF as responsive as a polite helpdesk agent across all device screens.