Why is percentage height not working on my div?
For a div
to determine its percentage height, it must refer to its parent's height. So, always make sure that the height of the parent's element (e.g., body, html) is either fixed or set to 100% for the div
to calculate its relative height.
The .half-height
is set to 50%, making it half the height of the body, which corresponds to the entire viewport (100% height).
Unfolding the magic behind percentage heights
When setting an element's height using percentages, ensure that all parent elements have a specified height. It's because percentages, by their nature, require a reference to calculate. Browsers tend to default to an 'auto' height when the parent's height is unspecified, causing child elements' percentage heights to fail, leading to inconsistent results. 🥴
Percentage heights made easy with viewport units (vh)
If you don't want to deal with the fuss of setting percentage heights with nested dependencies, Viewport units (vh) come to the rescue. They provide a robust reference, relying on the viewport’s height across browsers:
Absolute positioning: The wildcard
An element with absolute positioning plays by a different set of rules. It bases its percentage height on its closest positioned ancestor, not necessarily the immediate parent. One thing to bear in mind here is the ancestor must have a defined height.
Overflowing content? No problem!
When the content has the potential to overflow the height of div, the overflow property is your friend. It specifies how to handle the content that is too big for its boots:
The nitty-gritty of percentage heights
Establishing frame of reference
It's an essential rule of thumb that divs determine their percentage heights based on their containing block. Without a logical context, percentage heights yield undefined behavior.
Wrappers to the rescue
Remember this simple trick – using a wrapper div with vh for percentage-based child elements helps maintain consistency and control, regardless of parent element heights:
When auto is the default
Recall that when parent heights are unspecified, browsers render it as 'auto'. This default behavior is the common culprit behind collapsing nested elements with percentage heights.
Testing across browsers
Ensure consistent output by testing the layouts in different browsers. Browsers are like humans; they interpret things, especially involving percentage and viewport units, differently, so cross-browser testing is necessary for uniformity.
Debugging: Thou art human
Always remember to check for syntax errors in CSS and ensure that you’ve used correct element names. Proper styling can go for a toss with the tiniest oversight. Reread. Debug. Repeat. Your journey to become the Sherlock Holmes of code!
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